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Engineering probabilistic design and maintenance for flood protection edited by Roger Cooke, Max Mendel, and Han Vrijling.

Contributor(s): Material type: TextTextPublication details: Dordrecht ; Boston : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997.Description: 213 p. : ill., maps ; 25 cmISBN:
  • 0792343999
1. THE CASE FOR ENGINEERING PROBABILITY / Max Mendel. 1. Introduction. 2. Second-order system. 3. Conclusions. 2. OPTIMAL MAINTENANCE DECISIONS FOR THE SEA-BED PROTECTION OF THE EASTERN-SCHELDT BARRIER / Jan van Noortwijk, Matthijs Kok, and Roger Cooke. 1. Introduction. 2. The Eastern-Scheldt barrier. 3. Maintenance of the block mats. 4. Maintenance of the rock dumping. 5. Conclusions. 6. Acknowledgements. 7. Appendix: Definitions and theorems. 8. Appendix: The expected maintenance costs. 3. REVIEW PROBLEM OWNER PERSPECTIVE / Leo Klatter. 1. Introduction. 2. Profile problem owner. 3. General comments on the model. 4. Maintenance of the block mats. 5. Maintenance of the rock dumping. 6. Conclusions. 4. REVIEW ENGINEERING PERSPECTIVE / John Shortle. 1. Scour hole initiation. 2. Scour erosion. 5. GAMMA PROCESSES AND THEIR GENERALIZATIONS: AN OVERVIEW / Nozer Singpurwalla. 1. Introduction. 2. The Gamma Process. 3. The Generalized Gamma Process. 4. The Levy Decomposition of Gamma Processes. 5. Representation of a Gamma Process. 6. GAMMA PROCESSES / Hans van der Weide. 1. Introduction 2. Construction of Gamma Processes. 3. The Extended Gamma Process. 4. Some Properties. 7. REPLY TO THE REVIEWS / Jan van Noortwijk, Matthijs Kok, and Roger Cooke. 8. A PHYSICS-BASED APPROACH TO PREDICTING THE FREQUENCY OF EXTREME RIVER LEVELS / Steve Chick, John Shortle, Pieter van Gelder, and Max Mendel. 1. Introduction. 2. Physical model for river system. 3. Flood frequency calculations. 4. Sample calculation. 5. General solution techniques. 6. Discussion. 7. Summary of Notation. 8. Appendix. 9. REVIEW PROBLEM OWNER AND ENGINEERING PERSPECTIVE / Richard Jorissen, and Matthijs Kok. 1. Introduction. 2. Flood protection in The Netherlands. 3. Design of flood defences and extreme water level statistics. 4. Discussion of the proposed approach by S. Chick. 5. Conclusions and recommendations. 10. REVIEW MATHEMATICAL PERSPECTIVE / Jolanta Misiewicz. 11. REPLY TO THE REVIEWS / Steve Chick, John Shortle, Pieter van Gelder, and Max Mendel. 1. Summary response to criticisms. 2. Comments on hydrologic/hydraulic models. 12. LARGE MEAN OUT CROSSING OF NONLINEAR RESPONSE TO STOCHASTIC INPUT / Chun-Ching Li and Armen Der Kiureghian. 1. Introduction. 2. FORM Approximation. 3. Discrete Model for Stochastic Excitation. 4. Gradient of Nonlinear Response. 5. Examples. 6. Conclusion. 7. Acknowledgement. 13. REVIEW PROBLEM OWNER PERSPECTIVE / Arie Kraak. 14. REVIEW ENGINEERING PERSPECTIVE / Ton Vrouwenvelder. 15. REVIEW MATHEMATICAL PERSPECTIVE / Arne Huseby. 1. Introduction. 2. Risk Measures. 3. A Counting Process Approach. 4. FORM Approximation. 5. Final Remarks. 16. REPLY TO THE REVIEWS / Armen Der Kiureghian, and Chun-Ching Li. 1. Introduction. 2. Discussion of Reviewers' Comments. 3. Huseby's Problems. 17. PROBABILISTIC DESIGN OF BERM BREAKWATERS / Han Vrijling, and Piet er van Gelder. 1. Introduction. 2. The dynamically stable armour layer. 3. Longshore transport of the armour layer. 4. The wave climate. 5. Three probabilistic approaches. 6. Failure behaviour during lifetime. 7. A maintenance model. 8. Conclusions. 9. Summary of notation. 18. REVIEW PROBLEM OWNER PERSPECTIVE / Rommert Dekker. 19. REVIEW ENGINEERING PERSPECTIVE / Ad van der Toorn. 20. REVIEW MATHEMATICAL PERSPECTIVE / Tom Mazzuchi. 21. REPLY TO THE REVIEWS / Pieter van Gelder, and Han Vrijling.
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Includes bibliographical references.

1. THE CASE FOR ENGINEERING PROBABILITY / Max Mendel. 1. Introduction. 2. Second-order system. 3. Conclusions. 2. OPTIMAL MAINTENANCE DECISIONS FOR THE SEA-BED PROTECTION OF THE EASTERN-SCHELDT BARRIER / Jan van Noortwijk, Matthijs Kok, and Roger Cooke. 1. Introduction. 2. The Eastern-Scheldt barrier. 3. Maintenance of the block mats. 4. Maintenance of the rock dumping. 5. Conclusions. 6. Acknowledgements. 7. Appendix: Definitions and theorems. 8. Appendix: The expected maintenance costs. 3. REVIEW PROBLEM OWNER PERSPECTIVE / Leo Klatter. 1. Introduction. 2. Profile problem owner. 3. General comments on the model. 4. Maintenance of the block mats. 5. Maintenance of the rock dumping. 6. Conclusions. 4. REVIEW ENGINEERING PERSPECTIVE / John Shortle. 1. Scour hole initiation. 2. Scour erosion. 5. GAMMA PROCESSES AND THEIR GENERALIZATIONS: AN OVERVIEW / Nozer Singpurwalla. 1. Introduction. 2. The Gamma Process. 3. The Generalized Gamma Process. 4. The Levy Decomposition of Gamma Processes. 5. Representation of a Gamma Process. 6. GAMMA PROCESSES / Hans van der Weide. 1. Introduction 2. Construction of Gamma Processes. 3. The Extended Gamma Process. 4. Some Properties. 7. REPLY TO THE REVIEWS / Jan van Noortwijk, Matthijs Kok, and Roger Cooke. 8. A PHYSICS-BASED APPROACH TO PREDICTING THE FREQUENCY OF EXTREME RIVER LEVELS / Steve Chick, John Shortle, Pieter van Gelder, and Max Mendel. 1. Introduction. 2. Physical model for river system. 3. Flood frequency calculations. 4. Sample calculation. 5. General solution techniques. 6. Discussion. 7. Summary of Notation. 8. Appendix. 9. REVIEW PROBLEM OWNER AND ENGINEERING PERSPECTIVE / Richard Jorissen, and Matthijs Kok. 1. Introduction. 2. Flood protection in The Netherlands. 3. Design of flood defences and extreme water level statistics. 4. Discussion of the proposed approach by S. Chick. 5. Conclusions and recommendations. 10. REVIEW MATHEMATICAL PERSPECTIVE / Jolanta Misiewicz. 11. REPLY TO THE REVIEWS / Steve Chick, John Shortle, Pieter van Gelder, and Max Mendel. 1. Summary response to criticisms. 2. Comments on hydrologic/hydraulic models. 12. LARGE MEAN OUT CROSSING OF NONLINEAR RESPONSE TO STOCHASTIC INPUT / Chun-Ching Li and Armen Der Kiureghian. 1. Introduction. 2. FORM Approximation. 3. Discrete Model for Stochastic Excitation. 4. Gradient of Nonlinear Response. 5. Examples. 6. Conclusion. 7. Acknowledgement. 13. REVIEW PROBLEM OWNER PERSPECTIVE / Arie Kraak. 14. REVIEW ENGINEERING PERSPECTIVE / Ton Vrouwenvelder. 15. REVIEW MATHEMATICAL PERSPECTIVE / Arne Huseby. 1. Introduction. 2. Risk Measures. 3. A Counting Process Approach. 4. FORM Approximation. 5. Final Remarks. 16. REPLY TO THE REVIEWS / Armen Der Kiureghian, and Chun-Ching Li. 1. Introduction. 2. Discussion of Reviewers' Comments. 3. Huseby's Problems. 17. PROBABILISTIC DESIGN OF BERM BREAKWATERS / Han Vrijling, and Piet er van Gelder. 1. Introduction. 2. The dynamically stable armour layer. 3. Longshore transport of the armour layer. 4. The wave climate. 5. Three probabilistic approaches. 6. Failure behaviour during lifetime. 7. A maintenance model. 8. Conclusions. 9. Summary of notation. 18. REVIEW PROBLEM OWNER PERSPECTIVE / Rommert Dekker. 19. REVIEW ENGINEERING PERSPECTIVE / Ad van der Toorn. 20. REVIEW MATHEMATICAL PERSPECTIVE / Tom Mazzuchi. 21. REPLY TO THE REVIEWS / Pieter van Gelder, and Han Vrijling.


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