A Water Resources Technical Publication: Dams and Public Safety

By: Contributor(s): Material type: TextTextPublication details: USBR 1983Description: pSubject(s):
PART I - DAMS FROM THE BEGINNING 1. Introduction 2. The Period B.C 3. The First Millenium A.D 4. The Period 1000 to 1600 AD. 5. The Period 1600 to 1800 AD. 6. The Nineteenth Century 7. The Twentieth Century PART II - SAFETY OF DAMS 1. General 2. Statistics on failures Governmental supervision. 3. Disaster preparedness . . 4. Involvement of the courts 5. Insurance of dams PART III - KINDS OF PROBLEMS 1. General 2. Foundation problems . 3. Seepage 4. Erosion 5. Embankment movement 6. Liquefaction 7. Concrete deterioration . 8. Spillways 9. Outlets 10. Demolition 11. Sliding 12. Induced earthquakes PART IV - SIGNIFICANT ACCIDENTS AND FAILURES 1. Allla Sella Zerbino Dam 2. Austin Dam 3. Babii Yar Dam 4. Baldwin Hills Dam 5. Bila Desna Dam 6. Bouzey Dam 7. Bradfield Dam (Dale Dike) 8. Buffalo Creek Dam 9. Canyon Lake Dam 10. Dnjeprostroj Dam 11. Eder Dam 12. Eigiau and Coedty Dams 13. El Habra Dam 14. Fontenelle Dam 15. Frias Dam 16. Gleno Dam 17. Grenoble Dam 18. Hyokiri Dam 19. Khadakwasla (Poona) Dam 20. Lower Otay Dam 21. Machhu II Dam 22. Malpasset Dam 23. Mill River Dam 24. Mohne Dam 25. Nanaksagar Dam 26. Oros Dam 27. Panshet Dam 28. Puentes Dam 29. St. Francis Dam 30. San Ildefonso Dam 31. Sempor Dam 32. South Fork (Johnstown) Dam 33. Teton Dam 34. Tigra Dam 35. Vaiont Dam 36. Valparaiso Dam 37. Van Norman Dams (San Fernando) . 38. Vega de Tera Dam 39. Walnut Grove Dam 40. Walter Bouldin Dam 41. Zgorigrad Dam PART V - PREVENTIVE AND REMEDIAL ENGINEERING 1. Introduction 2. Engineering geology 3. Embankment safeguards 4. Earthquake engineering -- Exposure to earthquakes -- Seismic-resistant design 5. Seepage control -- Seepage analysis -- Filters and drains -- Relief wells (foundation drains) -- Grouting -- Cutoffs -- Blankets 6. Engineering of conduits and structures -- Outlets -- Spillways -- Galleries -- Drains -- Shear keys -- Foundation projections -- Core walls -- Superimposed conduits and structures --Emergency access 7. Surveillance -- Observers -- Monitoring -- General guidelines for the observer -- Instrumentation 8. Bureau of Reclamation program for the Safety 9. Evaluation of Existing Dams (SEED) 10. Evaluation team 11. Data sources -- Geologic -- Seismic -- Hydrologic and hydraulic data -- Concrete dams -- Embankment dams 12. Geologic review 13. Hydrology review 14. Design review 15. Construction review 16. Operations review 17. Review of adverse conditions 18. Field examination -- The environs -- Concrete dams -- Embankments -- Spillways and outlets -- Electrical and mechanical equipment -- Outlet gates -- High-pressure slide gates -- Spillway gates -- Corrosion in gate shafts -- Exercising equipment -- Operating instructions -- Power failures -- Conclusion 19. Guidelines for the examiner of existing dams and reservoirs. -- Construction materials -- General conditions evidencing distress -- Operation and maintenance deficiencies -- The data book -- The SEED report 20. Remedial work -- General -- Foundations -- Concrete -- Reservoirs -- Limiting conditions
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PART I - DAMS FROM THE BEGINNING 1. Introduction 2. The Period B.C 3. The First Millenium A.D 4. The Period 1000 to 1600 AD. 5. The Period 1600 to 1800 AD. 6. The Nineteenth Century 7. The Twentieth Century PART II - SAFETY OF DAMS 1. General 2. Statistics on failures Governmental supervision. 3. Disaster preparedness . . 4. Involvement of the courts 5. Insurance of dams PART III - KINDS OF PROBLEMS 1. General 2. Foundation problems . 3. Seepage 4. Erosion 5. Embankment movement 6. Liquefaction 7. Concrete deterioration . 8. Spillways 9. Outlets 10. Demolition 11. Sliding 12. Induced earthquakes PART IV - SIGNIFICANT ACCIDENTS AND FAILURES 1. Allla Sella Zerbino Dam 2. Austin Dam 3. Babii Yar Dam 4. Baldwin Hills Dam 5. Bila Desna Dam 6. Bouzey Dam 7. Bradfield Dam (Dale Dike) 8. Buffalo Creek Dam 9. Canyon Lake Dam 10. Dnjeprostroj Dam 11. Eder Dam 12. Eigiau and Coedty Dams 13. El Habra Dam 14. Fontenelle Dam 15. Frias Dam 16. Gleno Dam 17. Grenoble Dam 18. Hyokiri Dam 19. Khadakwasla (Poona) Dam 20. Lower Otay Dam 21. Machhu II Dam 22. Malpasset Dam 23. Mill River Dam 24. Mohne Dam 25. Nanaksagar Dam 26. Oros Dam 27. Panshet Dam 28. Puentes Dam 29. St. Francis Dam 30. San Ildefonso Dam 31. Sempor Dam 32. South Fork (Johnstown) Dam 33. Teton Dam 34. Tigra Dam 35. Vaiont Dam 36. Valparaiso Dam 37. Van Norman Dams (San Fernando) . 38. Vega de Tera Dam 39. Walnut Grove Dam 40. Walter Bouldin Dam 41. Zgorigrad Dam PART V - PREVENTIVE AND REMEDIAL ENGINEERING 1. Introduction 2. Engineering geology 3. Embankment safeguards 4. Earthquake engineering -- Exposure to earthquakes -- Seismic-resistant design 5. Seepage control -- Seepage analysis -- Filters and drains -- Relief wells (foundation drains) -- Grouting -- Cutoffs -- Blankets 6. Engineering of conduits and structures -- Outlets -- Spillways -- Galleries -- Drains -- Shear keys -- Foundation projections -- Core walls -- Superimposed conduits and structures --Emergency access 7. Surveillance -- Observers -- Monitoring -- General guidelines for the observer -- Instrumentation 8. Bureau of Reclamation program for the Safety 9. Evaluation of Existing Dams (SEED) 10. Evaluation team 11. Data sources -- Geologic -- Seismic -- Hydrologic and hydraulic data -- Concrete dams -- Embankment dams 12. Geologic review 13. Hydrology review 14. Design review 15. Construction review 16. Operations review 17. Review of adverse conditions 18. Field examination -- The environs -- Concrete dams -- Embankments -- Spillways and outlets -- Electrical and mechanical equipment -- Outlet gates -- High-pressure slide gates -- Spillway gates -- Corrosion in gate shafts -- Exercising equipment -- Operating instructions -- Power failures -- Conclusion 19. Guidelines for the examiner of existing dams and reservoirs. -- Construction materials -- General conditions evidencing distress -- Operation and maintenance deficiencies -- The data book -- The SEED report 20. Remedial work -- General -- Foundations -- Concrete -- Reservoirs -- Limiting conditions

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