An Update List Of Wetland Plant Species Of Peninsular Malaysia,With Particular Reference To Those Having Socio-Economic Value

By: Material type: TextTextPublication details: Asian Wetland Bureau,Institute Of Advanced Study UM & WWF Malaysia 1992Description: pSubject(s):
1. Introduction. 1.1 Geography and climate. 1.2 Definition of wetland. 1.3 Area of wetland. 1.4 Flora. 1.5 Status of wetland. 1.6 Socio-economic value of wetland plants. 1.7 Aims of the study. 2. Methods. 2.1 Literature. 2.2 computerized database systems. 3. Results and discussion. 3.1 Size and composition wetland flora. 3.2 Socio-economic values. 3.3 Endemic, rare and endangered species. 4. Conclusion. 4.1 Major wetland plant species in various wetland habitats. 4.2 Occurrence of wetland species in various wetland habitats. 4.3 Endemic, rare and endangered species occurring in wetland of peninsular Malaysia. 4.4 Number of wetland species by uses. 4.5 The lotus (nelumbo nucifera). A famous ornamental plant; also popular among the local for its medicinal values. 4.6 Leaves of the Nipa (Nypa fruticans) are used for making attap roofs for kampung houses.4.7 Pandanus spp,its leaves are used to make mats, hats, roofs, etc. 4.8 Ipomoea aquatic commonly known as "Kangkong air" is a popular green vegetables among the locals.5. References.6. Appendix1. Appendix 2. Appendix 3. Appendix 4. Appendix 5.
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1. Introduction. 1.1 Geography and climate. 1.2 Definition of wetland. 1.3 Area of wetland. 1.4 Flora. 1.5 Status of wetland. 1.6 Socio-economic value of wetland plants. 1.7 Aims of the study. 2. Methods. 2.1 Literature. 2.2 computerized database systems. 3. Results and discussion. 3.1 Size and composition wetland flora. 3.2 Socio-economic values. 3.3 Endemic, rare and endangered species. 4. Conclusion. 4.1 Major wetland plant species in various wetland habitats. 4.2 Occurrence of wetland species in various wetland habitats. 4.3 Endemic, rare and endangered species occurring in wetland of peninsular Malaysia. 4.4 Number of wetland species by uses. 4.5 The lotus (nelumbo nucifera). A famous ornamental plant; also popular among the local for its medicinal values. 4.6 Leaves of the Nipa (Nypa fruticans) are used for making attap roofs for kampung houses.4.7 Pandanus spp,its leaves are used to make mats, hats, roofs, etc. 4.8 Ipomoea aquatic commonly known as "Kangkong air" is a popular green vegetables among the locals.5. References.6. Appendix1. Appendix 2. Appendix 3. Appendix 4. Appendix 5.

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