Material type: TextTextLanguage: English Publication details: Ohio : US Engineers office & US geological survey office 19--Description: 61 pages ; illustrationsSubject(s):
Part 1: Introduction. 1. Authority. 2. Purpose. 3. Scope. 4. General discussion. Part 2: Stream gaging equipment in General use by the geological survey and engineer department. A. Current meters. 5. General discussion. 6. Horizontal axis type of current meter. 7. Vertical axis type of current meter. 8. Small price current meter. 9. Large price current meter. 10. Gettner current meter. 11. Pygmy current meter. 12. Pitot pressure velocity meter. 13. Current meter for hydraulic model studies. 14. Ping-pong device. B. Indicating devices used with current meters. 15. Headphone receivers. 16. Veeder U.D. types counter. 17. Electrical revolution counter. 18. Multiple recorder. 19. Stop watch. C. Sounding equipment for use from bridges or cableways. 20. General discussion. 21. Handline. 22. Portable frame-Ocala district. 23. Portable frame- Huntington district. 24. Endless tagline. 25. Cranes and sounding reels. 26. Type "A" crane. 27. Type "D" crane. 28. "Cincinnati" types carne. 29. Type "A" sounding reel. 30. Type "B" sounding reel. 31. Types "E" sounding reel. 32. Type "D" sounding reel. 33. "Cincinnati" types sounding reel. 34. Cranes and sounding reel- summary. 35. Swinging crane. 36. Truck mounted crane. 37. Light duty power operated reel. 38. Evansville powers unit. 39. Memphis powers unit. 40. Vicksburg powers unit. D. Wading rods. 41. Round wading rods for small price type current meters. 42. Flat wading rods. E. Equipment for use on boats. 43. General discussion. 44. Equipment used on small boats. 45. Reels and cranes used on large boats. 46. Second New Orleans engineer district. 47. Vicksburg engineer district. 48. Memphis is engineering district. F. Miscellaneous items of stream gaging equipment. 49. Type "A" depth indicator. 50. Type "B" depth indicator. 51. Type "C" depth indicator. 52. Sounding wheel. 53. Productimeter counter. 54. Dorsey Fathometer. 55. 50. Type "B" depth indicator. 51. Type "C" depth indicator. 52. Sounding wheel. 53. Productimeter counter. 54. Dorsey Fathometer. 55. Meter cable. 56. Ellsworth types cable. 57. Kinnison types cable. 58. Cable connectors. 59. Meter attachment for obtaining "bottom velocities". 60. Parallel meter connections for horizontal meter support. 61. Weight hangers. 62. Sounding weight. 63. Sounding weight- elliptical types. 64. Sounding weight- geological survey type "C". 65. Sounding weight- miscellaneous information. Part 3: General information. 66. General information.
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Part 1: Introduction. 1. Authority. 2. Purpose. 3. Scope. 4. General discussion. Part 2: Stream gaging equipment in General use by the geological survey and engineer department. A. Current meters. 5. General discussion. 6. Horizontal axis type of current meter. 7. Vertical axis type of current meter. 8. Small price current meter. 9. Large price current meter. 10. Gettner current meter. 11. Pygmy current meter. 12. Pitot pressure velocity meter. 13. Current meter for hydraulic model studies. 14. Ping-pong device. B. Indicating devices used with current meters. 15. Headphone receivers. 16. Veeder U.D. types counter. 17. Electrical revolution counter. 18. Multiple recorder. 19. Stop watch. C. Sounding equipment for use from bridges or cableways. 20. General discussion. 21. Handline. 22. Portable frame-Ocala district. 23. Portable frame- Huntington district. 24. Endless tagline. 25. Cranes and sounding reels. 26. Type "A" crane. 27. Type "D" crane. 28. "Cincinnati" types carne. 29. Type "A" sounding reel. 30. Type "B" sounding reel. 31. Types "E" sounding reel. 32. Type "D" sounding reel. 33. "Cincinnati" types sounding reel. 34. Cranes and sounding reel- summary. 35. Swinging crane. 36. Truck mounted crane. 37. Light duty power operated reel. 38. Evansville powers unit. 39. Memphis powers unit. 40. Vicksburg powers unit. D. Wading rods. 41. Round wading rods for small price type current meters. 42. Flat wading rods. E. Equipment for use on boats. 43. General discussion. 44. Equipment used on small boats. 45. Reels and cranes used on large boats. 46. Second New Orleans engineer district. 47. Vicksburg engineer district. 48. Memphis is engineering district. F. Miscellaneous items of stream gaging equipment. 49. Type "A" depth indicator. 50. Type "B" depth indicator. 51. Type "C" depth indicator. 52. Sounding wheel. 53. Productimeter counter. 54. Dorsey Fathometer. 55. 50. Type "B" depth indicator. 51. Type "C" depth indicator. 52. Sounding wheel. 53. Productimeter counter. 54. Dorsey Fathometer. 55. Meter cable. 56. Ellsworth types cable. 57. Kinnison types cable. 58. Cable connectors. 59. Meter attachment for obtaining "bottom velocities". 60. Parallel meter connections for horizontal meter support. 61. Weight hangers. 62. Sounding weight. 63. Sounding weight- elliptical types. 64. Sounding weight- geological survey type "C". 65. Sounding weight- miscellaneous information. Part 3: General information. 66. General information.

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