Material type:
Weather reporting and forecasting. /by Koh Ah Guan -- Cloud types and cloud modification / by Liew See Ping -- Use of storm warning radar in weather forecasting. / by P. Markandan -- Monsoons of Malaysia incorporating the field producing systems of 1965/1966, 1966/1967 and 1970/1971 monsoon season. / by Cheang Boon Kean & A. David -- Use of telemetric equipment for flood forecasting. / by Tan Hoe Tim -- Methods of flood forecasting using rainfall -runoff relationship. / by Goh Kiam Seng -- Flood forecast system in the Perak River basin. / by Lim Hun Soon -- flood problems and flood forecasting in Kelantan. / by A. Aziz bin Din -- flood forecasting and warning in the state of Trengganu. / by Mah Khye Tuan -- Flood forecasting system in Pahang River basin. / by Fadzil bin Hassan) -- The problems of flood forecasting in small catchments with particular reference to catchments in Negri Sembilan. / by D.N. Welch -- problems of flood forecasting for Kuala Lumpur area / by A.R. Goonting -- Summing up / by Enche Cheong Chup Lim.
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