By: Material type: TextTextPublication details: NETHERLANDS: ILACO/NEDECO, 1973Description: 98 PSubject(s):
Chapter 1: Introduction. 1. The assignment. 2. Concept and objectives consolidation. 3. The land consolidation project. Chapter 2: Surveys and maps. 1. Introduction. 2. Aerial survey. 3. Topographical survey. 4. Cadastral survey. 4.1 General. 4.2 Cadarstral survey of actual situation. 4.3 Survey for the issues of title deeds. 5. Soil suitability classification. Chapter 3: Design. 1. Introduction. 2. Layout. 2.1 General. 2.2 Design criteria. 2.3 Design of layout. 3. Reallocation design. 3.1 General. 3.2 Design criteria. 3.3 Reallocation plan. 4. Design of services units. 4.1 General. 4.2 Design criteria. 4.3 Design of irrigation canals and farm roads. 4.4 Design of structures. 4.5 Design of drains. Chapter 5: Implementation. 1. Introduction. 2. Staking out. 3. Earthwork. 3.1 General. 3.2 Clearing. 3.3 Land levelling. 3.4 Irrigation canals and drains. 3.5 Farm roads. 3.6 Productivity of earth-moving machinery. 3.7 Earth-moving equipment required. 3.8 Cost of earthwork. 4. Structures. 5. Issues of title deeds. 6. Organization. 6.1 General. 6.2 Governmental implementation with government-owned machinery. 6.3 Government implementation with hired machinery. 6.4 Implementation by contractors with their own equipment. Chapter 5: Operation and maintenance. 1. Introduction. 2. Operation. 2.1 General. 2.2 Information. 2.3 Water allocation. 2.4 Regulation. 3. Maintenance. Chapter 6: Summary of costs. 1. Survey's mapping and issues of title deeds. 2. Earth moving and structures. 3. Summary of land consolidation costs
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Chapter 1: Introduction. 1. The assignment. 2. Concept and objectives consolidation. 3. The land consolidation project. Chapter 2: Surveys and maps. 1. Introduction. 2. Aerial survey. 3. Topographical survey. 4. Cadastral survey. 4.1 General. 4.2 Cadarstral survey of actual situation. 4.3 Survey for the issues of title deeds. 5. Soil suitability classification. Chapter 3: Design. 1. Introduction. 2. Layout. 2.1 General. 2.2 Design criteria. 2.3 Design of layout. 3. Reallocation design. 3.1 General. 3.2 Design criteria. 3.3 Reallocation plan. 4. Design of services units. 4.1 General. 4.2 Design criteria. 4.3 Design of irrigation canals and farm roads. 4.4 Design of structures. 4.5 Design of drains. Chapter 5: Implementation. 1. Introduction. 2. Staking out. 3. Earthwork. 3.1 General. 3.2 Clearing. 3.3 Land levelling. 3.4 Irrigation canals and drains. 3.5 Farm roads. 3.6 Productivity of earth-moving machinery. 3.7 Earth-moving equipment required. 3.8 Cost of earthwork. 4. Structures. 5. Issues of title deeds. 6. Organization. 6.1 General. 6.2 Governmental implementation with government-owned machinery. 6.3 Government implementation with hired machinery. 6.4 Implementation by contractors with their own equipment. Chapter 5: Operation and maintenance. 1. Introduction. 2. Operation. 2.1 General. 2.2 Information. 2.3 Water allocation. 2.4 Regulation. 3. Maintenance. Chapter 6: Summary of costs. 1. Survey's mapping and issues of title deeds. 2. Earth moving and structures. 3. Summary of land consolidation costs


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