By: Material type: TextTextSeries: Unesco. Studies & reports in hydrology ; noPublication details: Spain : UNESCO, 1974Description: 598p ; illusSubject(s):
1. Evaluation et repartition des ressources en eaux d'une grande resion par les parametres hydroclimatiques et hydrogeoloqiques / Albinet, M., Castany, G., Delaroziere-Bouillin, O., Jonat, R., Margat, J. (France) 2. Use of representative and experimental catchments for the assessment of hydrological data of African tropical basins / Balek, J. (Czechoslovakia) 3. Diverses methodes convergentes pour l'utilisation de l'information a l'echelle regionale / Cormary, Y - J.M. Masson. (France) 4. Le transfert d'information hydrologique a des bassins versants non observes / Dubreuil, Pierre. (France) 5. Pluviometric zones and the criteria to define their boundaries for regions with scarce data / Garcia-Agreda, R., Rasulo, G., Viparelli, R. (Italy) 6. Estimation des etiages de bassins non equipes / Oberlin, G.R., Galea, G.C., Toni, J.T. (France) 7. Parametres regionaux relatifs aux ressources en eau. Utilisation. Precision d'estimation / Tiercelin, J.R. (France) 8. Estimating evapotranspiration by homoclimates / Van Hylckama, T.E.A. (U.S.A.) 9. Principles for the computation of the main characteristics of river water resources in the absence of observations on the basis of geographical interpolation of runoff parameters / Voskresenski, K.P. (U.S.S.R.) 10. Evaluation of water resources of mountain areas in case of absence or inadequacy of data on runoff / Vuglinski, V.S., Semenov, V.A. (U.S.S.R.) 11. Hydrological data fill-in and network design / Beard, Leo R. (U.S.A.) 12. Application du Krigeage a l'optimisation d'une campagne pluviometrique en zone aride / Delhomme, J.P., Delfiner, P. (France) 13. Improvement of runoff records in smaller watersheds based on permeability of the geological subsurface / Halasi-Kun, George, J. (U.S.A.) 14. Estimation of Gumbel law parameters in small samples / Martin Jadraque, Valentin. (Spain) 15. Stochastic simulation for basins with short or no records of streamflow / Moss, M.E., Dawdy, D.R. (U.S.A.) 16. Choice of generating mechanism in synthetic hydrology with inadequate data / O'Connell, P.E., Wallis, J.R. (U.S.A.) 17. Stochastic application in ungauged basins for planning purposes / Porras, Pedro., Flores, Alfredo. (Venezuela) 18. Homogeneisation et interpolation des donnees pour un modele de simulation / Roche, Marcel. (France) 19. The use of simulation techniques for sequential generation of short-sized rainfall data and its application in the estimation of design flood / Sharma, H.D., Bhattacharya, A.P., Jindal, S.R. (India) 20. The use of stochastic models in a hydro-agricultural development project in Lebanon / Visser, J.H. (Lebanon) 21. Relative importance of decision variables in flood frequency analysis ... / Wallis, J.R., Matalas, N.C. (U.S.A.) 22. Shot noise models for synthetic generation of multisite daily streamflow data / Weiss, G. (U.K.) 23. Flood control design with limited data - A comparison of the classical and Bayesian approaches / Wood, Eric F. (U.S.A.) 24. Determination of snow water equivalent and snowmelt water by thickness of snow cover data / Kovacs, George. Molnar, George. (Hungary) 25. Evaluation of local water resources in semiarid hard rock region by using photo-hydrological indices / Meijerink, A.M.J. (Netherlands) 26. Application of satellite cloud pictures in snow hydrology of the Himalayas and in the estimation of rainfall over India during southwest monsoon season / Pant, P.S., Gupta, M.G. (India) 27. Etude des relations pluie-de bit sur trois bassins versants d'investigation / Cormary, Y - Guilbot, A. (France) 28. Extension of runoff records for small catchments in semi-arid regions/ Charania, S.H. (Kenya) 29. Simulation of hydrological samples by natural water flow characteristics / Davydova, A.I., Kalinin, G.P. (U.S.S.R.) 30. The preparation of a data set for hydrologic system analysis / Hamlin, M.J., Kottegoda, N.T. (U.K.) 31. Potential application of Bayesian techniques for parameter estimation with limited data / Lenton, Roberto L., Schaake JR., John C., Rodriguez-Iturbe, Ignacio. (U.S.A.) 32. Storage-yield estimates with inadequate streamflow data / McMahon, T.A., Mein, R.G. (Australia) 33. Donnees inadequates et modeles mathematiques de la pollution en riviere / Bernier, J. (France) 34. Regional groundwater recharge estimates via meteorological data / Cook, Samuel P., Mburu, Samuel G. (Kenya) 35. A rainfall-runoff model based on the watershed stream network / Delleur, J.W., Lee, M.T. (USA.) 36. Monthly streamflow estimation from limited data / Hann, C.T. (U.S.A.) 37. Obtaining deficient information by solving inverse problems for mathematical runoff models / Koren, V.I., Kutchment, L.S. (U.S.S.R.) 38. The mathematical model of water balance for data-scarce areas / Rofail, Nabil. (Egypt) 39. Data acquisition and methodology for a simulation model of the Llobregat Delta (Barcelona, Spain) / Vilaro, Francisco., Custodio, Emilio. (Spain)
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1. Evaluation et repartition des ressources en eaux d'une grande resion par les parametres hydroclimatiques et hydrogeoloqiques / Albinet, M., Castany, G., Delaroziere-Bouillin, O., Jonat, R., Margat, J. (France) 2. Use of representative and experimental catchments for the assessment of hydrological data of African tropical basins / Balek, J. (Czechoslovakia) 3. Diverses methodes convergentes pour l'utilisation de l'information a l'echelle regionale / Cormary, Y - J.M. Masson. (France) 4. Le transfert d'information hydrologique a des bassins versants non observes / Dubreuil, Pierre. (France) 5. Pluviometric zones and the criteria to define their boundaries for regions with scarce data / Garcia-Agreda, R., Rasulo, G., Viparelli, R. (Italy) 6. Estimation des etiages de bassins non equipes / Oberlin, G.R., Galea, G.C., Toni, J.T. (France) 7. Parametres regionaux relatifs aux ressources en eau. Utilisation. Precision d'estimation / Tiercelin, J.R. (France) 8. Estimating evapotranspiration by homoclimates / Van Hylckama, T.E.A. (U.S.A.) 9. Principles for the computation of the main characteristics of river water resources in the absence of observations on the basis of geographical interpolation of runoff parameters / Voskresenski, K.P. (U.S.S.R.) 10. Evaluation of water resources of mountain areas in case of absence or inadequacy of data on runoff / Vuglinski, V.S., Semenov, V.A. (U.S.S.R.) 11. Hydrological data fill-in and network design / Beard, Leo R. (U.S.A.) 12. Application du Krigeage a l'optimisation d'une campagne pluviometrique en zone aride / Delhomme, J.P., Delfiner, P. (France) 13. Improvement of runoff records in smaller watersheds based on permeability of the geological subsurface / Halasi-Kun, George, J. (U.S.A.) 14. Estimation of Gumbel law parameters in small samples / Martin Jadraque, Valentin. (Spain) 15. Stochastic simulation for basins with short or no records of streamflow / Moss, M.E., Dawdy, D.R. (U.S.A.) 16. Choice of generating mechanism in synthetic hydrology with inadequate data / O'Connell, P.E., Wallis, J.R. (U.S.A.) 17. Stochastic application in ungauged basins for planning purposes / Porras, Pedro., Flores, Alfredo. (Venezuela) 18. Homogeneisation et interpolation des donnees pour un modele de simulation / Roche, Marcel. (France) 19. The use of simulation techniques for sequential generation of short-sized rainfall data and its application in the estimation of design flood / Sharma, H.D., Bhattacharya, A.P., Jindal, S.R. (India) 20. The use of stochastic models in a hydro-agricultural development project in Lebanon / Visser, J.H. (Lebanon) 21. Relative importance of decision variables in flood frequency analysis ... / Wallis, J.R., Matalas, N.C. (U.S.A.) 22. Shot noise models for synthetic generation of multisite daily streamflow data / Weiss, G. (U.K.) 23. Flood control design with limited data - A comparison of the classical and Bayesian approaches / Wood, Eric F. (U.S.A.) 24. Determination of snow water equivalent and snowmelt water by thickness of snow cover data / Kovacs, George. Molnar, George. (Hungary) 25. Evaluation of local water resources in semiarid hard rock region by using photo-hydrological indices / Meijerink, A.M.J. (Netherlands) 26. Application of satellite cloud pictures in snow hydrology of the Himalayas and in the estimation of rainfall over India during southwest monsoon season / Pant, P.S., Gupta, M.G. (India) 27. Etude des relations pluie-de bit sur trois bassins versants d'investigation / Cormary, Y - Guilbot, A. (France) 28. Extension of runoff records for small catchments in semi-arid regions/ Charania, S.H. (Kenya) 29. Simulation of hydrological samples by natural water flow characteristics / Davydova, A.I., Kalinin, G.P. (U.S.S.R.) 30. The preparation of a data set for hydrologic system analysis / Hamlin, M.J., Kottegoda, N.T. (U.K.) 31. Potential application of Bayesian techniques for parameter estimation with limited data / Lenton, Roberto L., Schaake JR., John C., Rodriguez-Iturbe, Ignacio. (U.S.A.) 32. Storage-yield estimates with inadequate streamflow data / McMahon, T.A., Mein, R.G. (Australia) 33. Donnees inadequates et modeles mathematiques de la pollution en riviere / Bernier, J. (France) 34. Regional groundwater recharge estimates via meteorological data / Cook, Samuel P., Mburu, Samuel G. (Kenya) 35. A rainfall-runoff model based on the watershed stream network / Delleur, J.W., Lee, M.T. (USA.) 36. Monthly streamflow estimation from limited data / Hann, C.T. (U.S.A.) 37. Obtaining deficient information by solving inverse problems for mathematical runoff models / Koren, V.I., Kutchment, L.S. (U.S.S.R.) 38. The mathematical model of water balance for data-scarce areas / Rofail, Nabil. (Egypt) 39. Data acquisition and methodology for a simulation model of the Llobregat Delta (Barcelona, Spain) / Vilaro, Francisco., Custodio, Emilio. (Spain)


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