Proceedings of the regional seminar on remote sensing applications for land resources management November 19-22, 1984 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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1. Appendix VI- Remote sensing and land resources survey / M. U. Chaudhury, UN-ESCAP 2. Appendix VII- Land use in Bangladesh and its classification based on remote sensing data / M.H. Quamrul Huda, Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization (SPARRSO), Bangladesh 3. Appendix VIII Application of remote sensing for land resources management in Indonesia / Zalbawi Soejoeti, LAPAN, Indonesia 4. Appendix IX Spot potential applications to agriculture and coastal land use / J.P. Le Gorgeu, SPOT IMAGE, France 5. Appendix X - Application of remote sensing data for land cover type mapping in South-Western part of Bangladesh / Atiar Rahman, Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization (SPARRSO), Bangladesh 6. Appendix XI- Agricultural resources mapping by using satellite remote sensing data: A Malaysian experience / Nik Nasruddin Mahmood, MARDI, Malaysia 7. Appendix XII- The study of land cover type from Landsat data in Thailand / Manu Omakupt and Chula Aieophuket, Department of Land Development, Thailand 8. Appendix XIII- Monitoring algae growth by digital analysis of Landsat data: The Orbetella Lagoon case study / C. Travaglia and M. Lorenzini, Remote Sensing Centre, FAO, Rome 9. Appendix XIV - Forest land resources management in Thailand / Peerasukdi Adisornprasert, Royal Forest Department, Thailand 10. Appendix XV - Satellite remote sensing applications for forest land management / Ricardo M. Umali, Natural Resources Management Center, Philippines 11. Appendix XVI- Application of remote sensing in forest resources Malaysia and development in Malaysia / S.T. Mok and H.C. Thang, Forestry Department, Malaysia 12. Appendix XVII- Remote sensing application for land resources planning in Sri Lanka / K.D.W. Saparamadu, Survey Department of Sri Lanka 13. Appendix XVIII- Remote sensing in land use survey and planning -A case study of Idukki district / J.S. Parihar, Space Applications Centre (ISRO), India 14. Appendix XIX - Impact of remote sensing on geoscientific studies -Restrospect and prospects / K. Krishnanunni, Geological Survey of India, Bangalore - I 15. Appendix XX - Monitoring use behavior of the land resources of the Peshawar basin with the help of the Landsat data / Sabir Hayat Arbab, Geological Survey of Pakistan 16. Appendix XXI- The applications of Landsat data to surface water resources in northeast Thailand / Pongpit Piyapongse, Department of Agriculture, Thailand 17. Appendix XXII- Land and water resources development by remote sensing / A.S. Ramamoorthi, National Remote Sensing Agency, Hyderabad, India 18. Appendix XXIII- Interpretation and application of Landsat digital data within geographic information systems / R.P. Pech and R.D. Graetz, CSIRO, Australia 19. Appendix XXIV - Land resources mapping in Nepal / Jagadish Chandra Baral, National Planning Commission, Nepal 20. Appendix XXV - Land resources and capabilities of Neyshabur and Sabzevar, Province of Khorasan, Iran by using Landsat data / M. Ghiassi, Ministry of Agriculture, Iran 21. Appendix XXVI- Methodology of collecting agricultural and land utilization data and information in Burma / U Tha Nyein, Settlements and Land Records Department, Rangoon, Burma 22. Appendix XXVII- Application of Landsat data to land resources management in the Philippines / Marcial C. Amaro, Jr. and Ricardo T. Bina, National Resources Management Center, Philippines 23. Appendix XXVIII- Investigation on land use type and land resources in the Sanjiang Region, using remote sensing / Wan Enpu, Zhao Huachang and Liu Zinghan, Academia Sinica, Peoples Republic of China 24. Appendix XXIX - Utilization of Landsat data in land resources management in Iran / Farrokh Barzegar, Iranian Remote Sensing Center, Iran 25. Appendix XXX - Application of Landsat digital data to land-use mapping for regional planning of the upper south / Paibul Ruangsiri, National Research Council, Thailand
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