Chapter 1: Know where you are. 1. The dimensions of business reengineering. 1.1 The physical/ technical dimensions. 1.2 The infrastructure dimensions. 1.3 The value dimensions. 2. When is reengineering the answer? 3. Creating the business case. 4. Critical success factors for business reengineering projects. Chapter 2: Lighting the way. 1. Business process redesign principles. 1.1 Organize work around outcomes. 1.2 Provide direct access to customers. 1.3 Harness technology. 1.4 Control through policies, practices and feedback. 1.5 Enable interdependent and simultaneous work. 1.6 Give decision-making power to workers. 1.7 Build in feedback channels. 2. Transformation principles. 2.1 Assumptions and biases shape behavior. 2.2 People believe what you do not, what you say. 2.3 Involvement breeds acceptance. 2.4 Just don't do something sit there. 2.5 Change the foundations first. 2.6 Change takes time but not that much. 2.7 Progress is not linear nor is it smooth. 3. Continuous process improvement principles. 3.1 Improvement is everyone's responsibility. 3.2 Improvement is always desirable. 3.3 Pay attention to detail. 3.4 Quality requires systemic work. 3.5 Create an ongoing exchange and sharing of information. 3.6 Individuals, not organizations, drive quality. Chapter 3: Know where you are going. 1. Creating the vision. 2. Establishing goals. 3. The visioning goal setting process. 4. Problems encountered along the way. 3.1 Vision idolatry. 3.2 Tunnel vision. 3.3 Habitual thinking. 3.4 Practical thinking. 4. Sizing the project. 4.1 Scoping the project. 4.2 Setting project boundaries. 4.3 Time available to complete the project 4.5 Resources for the projects. 4.6 Projects sizing critical factors. Chapter 4: Don't walk alone. 4.1 The essential nature of an effective. 2. Business reengineering team. 2.1 Ability to learn. 2.2 Political savvy. 2.3 Committed to persistence. 3. IS/IT role in business reengineering. 4. Business reengineering team structures. 4.1 Business executive sponsors. 4.2 Projects director. 4.3 Core coordination and support team members. 4.4 Project champion team members. 4.5 Advisory team members. 4.6 Implementation SWAT groups. 5. A closer looks at core group roles. 5.1 Project operations manager. 5.2 Project facilitator. 5.3 Business specialist. 5.4 IS/IT specialist. 5.6 Financial specialist. 5.7 Knowledge coordinator. 6. Project team operational techniques. 7. Project team evolution to maturity. Chapter 5: Prepare for the journey. 5.1Steps 1: Frame the project. Step 2: Create the vision and goals. Step 3: Redesign the business operation. Step 4: Conduct proof of concept. Step 5: Plan the implementation. Step 6: Obtain implementation approval. Step 7: Implement the redesign. Step 8: Transition to a continuous improvement state. 5.2 The life of a business reengineering project. Chapter 6: Move with purpose. 1. Why these techniques? 2. The job of the reengineering project facilitator. 3. Focus group interviews and other data collection mechanisms. 4. Facilitated meetings and workshop. 5. Issues resolution. 6. Critical reflection techniques-continuous process improvement. 7. The secret to successful reengineering. Chapter 7: The road is not smooth, watch for danger. 1. Leadership imperfections. 2.Terrorists and saboteurs. 3. The plight of middle management. 4. Anguish of cultural struggle. 5. Project paralysis. Chapter 8: Form the neighborhood watch. 1. Measurement fundamentals. 2. Collection fundamentals. 3. Analytical techniques fundamentals. 4. Problem solving methodology fundamentals Chapter 9: Characteristics of the successful journey. 1. Success characteristic for business 2. Is there an ideal
Chapter 1: Know where you are. 1. The dimensions of business reengineering. 1.1 The physical/ technical dimensions. 1.2 The infrastructure dimensions. 1.3 The value dimensions. 2. When is reengineering the answer? 3. Creating the business case. 4. Critical success factors for business reengineering projects. Chapter 2: Lighting the way. 1. Business process redesign principles. 1.1 Organize work around outcomes. 1.2 Provide direct access to customers. 1.3 Harness technology. 1.4 Control through policies, practices and feedback. 1.5 Enable interdependent and simultaneous work. 1.6 Give decision-making power to workers. 1.7 Build in feedback channels. 2. Transformation principles. 2.1 Assumptions and biases shape behavior. 2.2 People believe what you do not, what you say. 2.3 Involvement breeds acceptance. 2.4 Just don't do something sit there. 2.5 Change the foundations first. 2.6 Change takes time but not that much. 2.7 Progress is not linear nor is it smooth. 3. Continuous process improvement principles. 3.1 Improvement is everyone's responsibility. 3.2 Improvement is always desirable. 3.3 Pay attention to detail. 3.4 Quality requires systemic work. 3.5 Create an ongoing exchange and sharing of information. 3.6 Individuals, not organizations, drive quality. Chapter 3: Know where you are going. 1. Creating the vision. 2. Establishing goals. 3. The visioning goal setting process. 4. Problems encountered along the way. 3.1 Vision idolatry. 3.2 Tunnel vision. 3.3 Habitual thinking. 3.4 Practical thinking. 4. Sizing the project. 4.1 Scoping the project. 4.2 Setting project boundaries. 4.3 Time available to complete the project 4.5 Resources for the projects. 4.6 Projects sizing critical factors. Chapter 4: Don't walk alone. 4.1 The essential nature of an effective. 2. Business reengineering team. 2.1 Ability to learn. 2.2 Political savvy. 2.3 Committed to persistence. 3. IS/IT role in business reengineering. 4. Business reengineering team structures. 4.1 Business executive sponsors. 4.2 Projects director. 4.3 Core coordination and support team members. 4.4 Project champion team members. 4.5 Advisory team members. 4.6 Implementation SWAT groups. 5. A closer looks at core group roles. 5.1 Project operations manager. 5.2 Project facilitator. 5.3 Business specialist. 5.4 IS/IT specialist. 5.6 Financial specialist. 5.7 Knowledge coordinator. 6. Project team operational techniques. 7. Project team evolution to maturity. Chapter 5: Prepare for the journey. 5.1Steps 1: Frame the project. Step 2: Create the vision and goals. Step 3: Redesign the business operation. Step 4: Conduct proof of concept. Step 5: Plan the implementation. Step 6: Obtain implementation approval. Step 7: Implement the redesign. Step 8: Transition to a continuous improvement state. 5.2 The life of a business reengineering project. Chapter 6: Move with purpose. 1. Why these techniques? 2. The job of the reengineering project facilitator. 3. Focus group interviews and other data collection mechanisms. 4. Facilitated meetings and workshop. 5. Issues resolution. 6. Critical reflection techniques-continuous process improvement. 7. The secret to successful reengineering. Chapter 7: The road is not smooth, watch for danger. 1. Leadership imperfections. 2.Terrorists and saboteurs. 3. The plight of middle management. 4. Anguish of cultural struggle. 5. Project paralysis. Chapter 8: Form the neighborhood watch. 1. Measurement fundamentals. 2. Collection fundamentals. 3. Analytical techniques fundamentals. 4. Problem solving methodology fundamentals Chapter 9: Characteristics of the successful journey. 1. Success characteristic for business 2. Is there an ideal