14th Congress on irrigation and drainage Rio de Jenerio, Brazil 1990: Transaction Vol.1-B

14th Congress on irrigation and drainage Rio de Jenerio, Brazil 1990: Transaction Vol.1-B - 14th Congress on Irrigation and Drainage [date of publication not identified] - p.

R.24. Exportations d'azote par les eaux de drainage souter-rain / M.P. ARLOT (France). R.25. Structure du sol, drainage et environnement role de la structure du sol surle fonctionnement hydraulique et la qualite des eaux d'un re'seau de drainage / JC. FAVROT, R. BOUZIGUES, C. LONGUEVAL, JC. CHOSSAT, F. BOURGEAT (France). R.26. Drainage et qualite des eaux dans les marais du littoral atlantique francais / Y. RACAULT, C. CHEVALLIER, P. COLLAS (France). R.27. Natural protection of ground water from agricultural activities by the presence of clayey unweathered till / A. BARARI, A.R. BENDER, T.C. COWMAN (USA). R.28. La nappe alluviale de la basse Durance, impact de l'irrigation sur la quantite et la qualite des eaux / B. DE CARMANTRAND (France). R.29. Studies on combined effect of drip irrigation system and soil conservation techniques on plant perform-ance and run off water quality in salt-affected soils / P.N. OWIVEDI, L.P. VERMA, AKHTAR ALI, I.N. SINGH, V.K. SINGH, R.S. DIXIT, R.K. SINGH (India). R.30. Exploitation of fresh water lenses in Sind Province, Pakistan / R.P. BIRCH, J.J. VAN WONDEREN (UK). R.31. Salt intrusion control Movable barrier on Po Di Gnocca river - Italy / ARTURO COLAMUSSI, GIANNI CANTELLI, ALFONSO DESIDERIO, LINO TOSINI (Italy). R.32. L'amelioration de l'environnement par la reutilisation des eaux usees domestiques, i'exemple de l'iIe de porquerolles, France / MARCEL CADILLON, JOEL MANCEL (France). R.33. Impact des amenagements surle paysage et surles comportements socio-culturels (L'irrigation : les archives de l'espace et la culture locale) / GERARD DAMIAN, DIDIER OLIVRY (France). R.34. Impact of the type of irrigation upon the salt and water balance of soils / H.J. COLLINS, G. KOLLMANN (FRG). R.35. The effect of the conjunctive use of surface and ground-water on the salt balance in an aquifer / W.K. BOEHMER, J. FABER (The Netherlands). R.36. Reclamation and management of acid sulphate soils in tidal lowlands, Indonesia / K. ROELSE, J. LUIJENDIJK, WALUYONO, W.A. SEGEREN (The Netherlands). R.37. Water pollution in the lower area caused by uncon-trolled irrigation in the upper and median areas of the Segura river Spain / LEONCIO BELOQUI G. (Spain). R.38. Sub surface drainage system for saline soil reclamation - A case study / A. BASKER, D.A. SELVASEELAN, G. RAMANATHAN, P. KANDASWAMY (India). R.39. Irrigation and water quality - A United States perspec-tive / MICHAEL R. STANSBURY (USA). R.40. Drainage water monitoring in the Nile Delta / DIA EL DIN EL QUOSY (Egypt). R.41. Pru Toh Daeng swamp development project, Thailand / SIRIPONG HUNGSPREUG, NATHA HUNGSPREUG (Thailand). R.42. Marecchia river's project: Irrigation with surface waters and analysis of their interaction with ground waters by real time scheduling / GIUSTO GIULIANI, CORRADO VERNI (Italy). R.43. Modelling soil profile salt distribution for conjunctive use irrigation / MUHAMMAD LATIF, LYMAN S. WILLARDSON (Pakistan). R.44. Remedial and precautionary measures aiming at envi-ronmentally sound groundwater management in the Hessische Ried using qualitative and quantitative fore-casting model / KARL HANS HEIL (FRG).

ICID Publications.


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