Use of Vetiver for Soil Erosion Control of Embankment & Development of the Social Economic Environment-Friendly (SEE) system for Embankments

Use of Vetiver for Soil Erosion Control of Embankment & Development of the Social Economic Environment-Friendly (SEE) system for Embankments - World Bank 1992 - p.

1. Introduction . 2. Consultant's terms of reference 3. Field excursions 4. Features of the river embankments 4.1. Erosion problems in embankments 4.2. Human activities on river embankments 4.3. Settlers' sensitivity to soil erosion 5. Use of Vetiver for erosion prevention 5.1. Why Vetiver? 5.2. Can Vetiver protect the embankments? 5.3. Availability of Vetiver in Bangladesh 5.3.1. Early experience on Vetiver availability in Bangladesh 5.3.2. Trip to Bogra and Sariakandi 5.3.3. Vetiver collection in National Herbarium of Bangladesh 5.3.4. Botanical survey north-east of Dhaka 5.3.5. Trip between Cox's Bazar and Chittagong 6. Production of Vetiver planting materials 7. For the embankments 6.1. Ground nursery for Vetiver production 6.2. Polybag nursery for producing planting materials 7. Time of planting Vetiver on the embankments 8. Use of Vetiver and other plants to minimize soil erosion of river embankments 8.1. Planting method, spacing and arrangement 8.2. Cost of planting Vetiver on the river embankments 9. Use of Vetiver and other plants to minimize soil erosion of borrow-pits 10. To develop a social economic environment-friendly (see) system for the river embankments 10.1. Background 10.2. Aim 10.3. The approach 11. The search for a proper plant-mix for the see system. 11.1. Other reeds for protecting embankments 11.2. Other plant species for the embankments 11.3. Literature review of potential plants for the SEE System 12. Proposed models for See System on the river embankments. 13. Pilot project and feasibility study 14. Training of targeted personnel to undertake pilot project 15. Use of Vetiver and other plants to minimize soil erosion of coastal embankments 15.1. Visit to Polder 66/1 in Cox's Bazar 15.2. United Nations Department of Technical Co-operation for Development (UNDTCD)'s Project on biological protection of embankments and canals 15.3. Recommendation for use of Vetiver and other plant species for coastal embankments



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