Laporan Cuti Sabatikal(1 Okt.1990-30 Jun 1991)
Laporan Cuti Sabatikal(1 Okt.1990-30 Jun 1991)
- UPM 1991
- p.
0633 - Effect of Differences in Soil Depth on the Percolation Loss of a Trickle Irrigation System. 0634 - Effects of Climate Change on Water Resources in the Muda Region. 0634a - Irrigation system and water management for diversified cropping
Water Resources
0633 - Effect of Differences in Soil Depth on the Percolation Loss of a Trickle Irrigation System. 0634 - Effects of Climate Change on Water Resources in the Muda Region. 0634a - Irrigation system and water management for diversified cropping
Water Resources