- 1212P; ILLUST
1. Possibilities and limits of hydrogeological preservation of the record in the preliminary stage of larger groundwater withdrawals as exemplified by the Nordheide waterworks (Northern Lower Saxony) / Horst Besenecker, -Beate Schwerdtfeger 2. Conceptual plan for water management schemes in the northern part of the Rhenish lignite mining district / Burkhard Boehm 3. Alimentation insuffisante des couches aquiferes et ses consequences dans la region dain beni mathar (province D'oujda, Maroc oriental) / Eckhardt Jungfer 4. On thermal anomalies due to injection-well discharges in porous aquifers / Hans Mehihorn, Helmut Kobus 5. Multiple demand and conflicts / E.R. Price 6. The complex effect of some agronomical procedures and hydrometeorological factors on the water budget of the soil / L.Ruzsanyj, G. Szasz 7. Analysis of using ground waters in different sectors of the economy / Arthur Shtakovsky 8. Groundwater development as an integral part of river basin resource systems / Andrew Skinner 9. Groundwater resources: principles for their development and utilization / Victor Usenko 10. Groundwater resources development avoiding conflicts of usage: examples of modern planning strategies / Klaus Zipfel 11. L'usage conjoint d'eaux superficielles et d'eaux souterraines dans un bassin ou lon a un grand aquifere constitue de roches volcaniques Aurelio Aureli 12. Gestion integree des ressources en eau souterraine et supereicielle le cas de iaumentation en eau potable de la metropole lilloise / J.Beckclynck, M. Besbes, P Combes, P Hubert, G. de Marsily, A. Talbot 13. Numerical model for optimal groundwater management / Wolfgang Bogacki, Walter Pelka 14. On establishing the optimum exploitation solutions for a confined aquifer / Mihai Bretotean 15. Calibration strategy for groundwater models / Dieter Briechle, Patrik Huber 16. Prognostic study of water levels for evaluating the hydrogeological character of Shadnagar basin, (A.P), India / B.H. Briz-Kishore 17. Regional water resources simulation with stream aquifer interaction, sensitivity analysis and inverse modelling / M.C. Chaturvedi, CV. Ramakrishna 18. L'alimentation artificielle de la nappe de moulle (P de C): Un Exemple De Gestion De La Ressource / Gerard Dassonville 19. An econometric system model for planning and management of groundwater resources / Antonio Delgado-Lopez, William W.-G. Yeb 20. Comparison between different methods of artificial ground-water recharge / Hartmut Hantke 21. Artificial groundwater recharge using high-waters of streams / Bruno Herrling 22. The evaluation of long-term groundwater level measurements from the Heinschenwalde groundwater exploitation area / W Hofmann, K. Trippler 23. Miniaturisation des modeles d'ecoulement souterrain / Pierre Hubert, Jean Leon 24. Modelling of the processes of seepage and transport of dissolved solids in groundwater / M.G. Knublaryan, I.O. Yushmanov 25. Mathematical models of ground-water basins their application for study and management of hydrogeological processes / G.V. Kulikov, I.I. Krashin 26. Development of groundwater resources under consideration of leakage flow in the Halterner Sande, federal republic of Germany / H.R. Langguth, H.G. Meiners, H. Schaeben 27. Management matrix for a regional aquifer in the United Kingdom / S.Pun, K.J. Edworthy 28. A 3-D digital model for groundwater management / A.R. Qazi 29. Aspects quantitatifs des ressources en eau en region de socle methodes recentes appliques au cas de la bretagne, en France / P.A. Roche, H. Talbo, D. Thiery 30. Use of mathematical programming in the management and development of Israel's water resources / Jehoshua Schwarz 31. Field studies on the interchange of surface water and ground water / Reinhart Traub 32. Gestion de la nappe phreatique de la plaine dalsace au moyen d'une banque de donnees et de modeles de simulation / J.P Vancon 33. Implications of the use of regional groundwater models a case study / J.J. Van Wonderen, R.C. Sage 34. The transient groundwater flow in two aquifer systems due to circular and rectangular well fields / Zhang Weizhen 35. Influence of silicate gel injections on groundwater quality / M.Barowsky, R. Oetting, G. Milde 36. A large-scale experiment of in situ biodegradation of hydrocarbons in the subsurface / Gerhard Battermann 37. Analysis of migration processes in groundwater by aid of numerical models / Peter Wilhelm Boochs, Carola Bugner, RoIf Mull 38. Prevention de l'enrichissement des eaux souterraines en nitrates d'origine agricole / Michel Delavalle 39. Ecologie des microorganismes de l'environnement aquatique susceptibles de devenir pathogenes pour lhomme / C.Derr-Harf, H. Monteil 40. Potable groundwater supplies and low-cost sanitary engineering - How compatible? / S.S.D.Foster 41 .Detection and assessment of groundwater contaminations by organic chemicals / P Friesel, M. Kiper, G. Milde, D. Mtihlhausen, V Neumayr, J. Pribyl, V Scbinz 42. Impact of technogenetic factors and water withdrawal on hydrochemical conditions of water-bearing systems / V.M. Goldberg
1. Possibilities and limits of hydrogeological preservation of the record in the preliminary stage of larger groundwater withdrawals as exemplified by the Nordheide waterworks (Northern Lower Saxony) / Horst Besenecker, -Beate Schwerdtfeger 2. Conceptual plan for water management schemes in the northern part of the Rhenish lignite mining district / Burkhard Boehm 3. Alimentation insuffisante des couches aquiferes et ses consequences dans la region dain beni mathar (province D'oujda, Maroc oriental) / Eckhardt Jungfer 4. On thermal anomalies due to injection-well discharges in porous aquifers / Hans Mehihorn, Helmut Kobus 5. Multiple demand and conflicts / E.R. Price 6. The complex effect of some agronomical procedures and hydrometeorological factors on the water budget of the soil / L.Ruzsanyj, G. Szasz 7. Analysis of using ground waters in different sectors of the economy / Arthur Shtakovsky 8. Groundwater development as an integral part of river basin resource systems / Andrew Skinner 9. Groundwater resources: principles for their development and utilization / Victor Usenko 10. Groundwater resources development avoiding conflicts of usage: examples of modern planning strategies / Klaus Zipfel 11. L'usage conjoint d'eaux superficielles et d'eaux souterraines dans un bassin ou lon a un grand aquifere constitue de roches volcaniques Aurelio Aureli 12. Gestion integree des ressources en eau souterraine et supereicielle le cas de iaumentation en eau potable de la metropole lilloise / J.Beckclynck, M. Besbes, P Combes, P Hubert, G. de Marsily, A. Talbot 13. Numerical model for optimal groundwater management / Wolfgang Bogacki, Walter Pelka 14. On establishing the optimum exploitation solutions for a confined aquifer / Mihai Bretotean 15. Calibration strategy for groundwater models / Dieter Briechle, Patrik Huber 16. Prognostic study of water levels for evaluating the hydrogeological character of Shadnagar basin, (A.P), India / B.H. Briz-Kishore 17. Regional water resources simulation with stream aquifer interaction, sensitivity analysis and inverse modelling / M.C. Chaturvedi, CV. Ramakrishna 18. L'alimentation artificielle de la nappe de moulle (P de C): Un Exemple De Gestion De La Ressource / Gerard Dassonville 19. An econometric system model for planning and management of groundwater resources / Antonio Delgado-Lopez, William W.-G. Yeb 20. Comparison between different methods of artificial ground-water recharge / Hartmut Hantke 21. Artificial groundwater recharge using high-waters of streams / Bruno Herrling 22. The evaluation of long-term groundwater level measurements from the Heinschenwalde groundwater exploitation area / W Hofmann, K. Trippler 23. Miniaturisation des modeles d'ecoulement souterrain / Pierre Hubert, Jean Leon 24. Modelling of the processes of seepage and transport of dissolved solids in groundwater / M.G. Knublaryan, I.O. Yushmanov 25. Mathematical models of ground-water basins their application for study and management of hydrogeological processes / G.V. Kulikov, I.I. Krashin 26. Development of groundwater resources under consideration of leakage flow in the Halterner Sande, federal republic of Germany / H.R. Langguth, H.G. Meiners, H. Schaeben 27. Management matrix for a regional aquifer in the United Kingdom / S.Pun, K.J. Edworthy 28. A 3-D digital model for groundwater management / A.R. Qazi 29. Aspects quantitatifs des ressources en eau en region de socle methodes recentes appliques au cas de la bretagne, en France / P.A. Roche, H. Talbo, D. Thiery 30. Use of mathematical programming in the management and development of Israel's water resources / Jehoshua Schwarz 31. Field studies on the interchange of surface water and ground water / Reinhart Traub 32. Gestion de la nappe phreatique de la plaine dalsace au moyen d'une banque de donnees et de modeles de simulation / J.P Vancon 33. Implications of the use of regional groundwater models a case study / J.J. Van Wonderen, R.C. Sage 34. The transient groundwater flow in two aquifer systems due to circular and rectangular well fields / Zhang Weizhen 35. Influence of silicate gel injections on groundwater quality / M.Barowsky, R. Oetting, G. Milde 36. A large-scale experiment of in situ biodegradation of hydrocarbons in the subsurface / Gerhard Battermann 37. Analysis of migration processes in groundwater by aid of numerical models / Peter Wilhelm Boochs, Carola Bugner, RoIf Mull 38. Prevention de l'enrichissement des eaux souterraines en nitrates d'origine agricole / Michel Delavalle 39. Ecologie des microorganismes de l'environnement aquatique susceptibles de devenir pathogenes pour lhomme / C.Derr-Harf, H. Monteil 40. Potable groundwater supplies and low-cost sanitary engineering - How compatible? / S.S.D.Foster 41 .Detection and assessment of groundwater contaminations by organic chemicals / P Friesel, M. Kiper, G. Milde, D. Mtihlhausen, V Neumayr, J. Pribyl, V Scbinz 42. Impact of technogenetic factors and water withdrawal on hydrochemical conditions of water-bearing systems / V.M. Goldberg