FLOODS AND THEIR COMPUTATION VOL.I - Paris : The Iinternational Association of Scientific Hydrology, 19-- - Various pagings

1. On principles of estimation methods of maximum discharge / S. N. Kritsky and M. F. Menkel 2. Determination of the probability distribution of maximum discharges on basis of all observed floods / W. Strupczewski 3. Improved precision of future high floods / G.M. Panchang 4. Principles for elaboration of mathematical runoff models / G. P. Kalinin, L. S. Kuchment, and V. I Karen 5. A numerical model of the runoff process of mountain rivers / U. M. Denisov 6 .An estimate of discharge probabilities / J. Csoma 7. The estimation of extreme precipitation as the basis for design floods - Resume of practices in the United States / V.A. Myers 8. Design rainfall characteristics of the USSR territory / F. A. Smirnova 9. Objective statistical methods of computation and generalization of the parameters of maximum rainfall runoff / G.A. Alexeyev 10. Application of the method of maximum runoff computation using the precipitation reduction curves in the Maritsa river basin / S. G. Georgiev 11. On the expediency of using combined series of hydrological characteristics for flood computation / A. I. Chebotarev and B.I Serpik 12. Estimating the accuracy of statistical flood values by means of long-term discharge records and historical data / E. Glos and R. Krause 13. Assessment of a design discharge of a river / J. van der Made 14. Estimation of flood flows using mathematical statistics / M. Melentijevich 15. Spatial and temporal analysis of maximum runoff / G.P. Kalinin and N.V. Nikolskaya 16. On a general theory of duration curve and its application to evaluate the plotting position of maximum probable precipitation or discharge / S. Banerji and D.K. Gupta 17. Determination du debit maximum de crue possible d'un court d'eau a partir de son hydrogramme unitaire et de la courbe < intensite maximale-duree> / D.le Gourieres 18. Determination of flood discharges using aerial survey / V.A. Ouryvaev and G.M. Lukashenko 19. On the method of unit hydrograph and modelling of rainfall floods by electronic analogue computers / D. L. Sokolovsky 20. Computation principles of flood hydrographs / K. P. Voskresensky 21. Sur la methodologie de calcul des volumes maxima / C. Diaconu 22. Determination des debits maximaux d'apres les traces des crues anciennes / M. Parde 23. Increasing the accuracy of determination of maximum discharges and their exceedence probability / E. V. Boldakov 24. Extrapolation of discharge rating curves using Chezy's formula / R.A. Shestakova 25. Estimation of design flood discharges especially for river valley projects in India / P. Ahuja and R. Shenoy 26. Rainfall flood formation theory and methods of rainfall flood computation / A.N. Befani 27. Experimental study of rainfall runoff / A.N. Befani, N.F. Befani, E.D. Goptchenk, A. G. Ivanenko, T. V. Ockova, and E. V. Terentyev 28. Contribution a la methodologie de l'e'valuation des debits de crue maximaux en cas d'insuffisance de donne'es / J. Rodier 29. Etude theorique et methodologique de l'abattement des pluies journalieres / Y.Brunet-Moret et M. Roche 30. The genetic method of computation of floods caused by storm rainfalls in small catchment areas in the absence of hydrological data / J. Woloszyn 31. Method of computing rainfall floods characteristics / U.B. Vinogradov 32. Formation of rainfall floods on small watersheds. Principles of maximum storm runoff computation / I.L. Zimont and U. G. Suprunov 33. Probable flood discharges of the Po River tributaries / U. Raffa 34. Maximum discharge of major rivers in large flood plains in East Pakistan / Faiz Ahmed 35. Formation des crues pluviales et evaluation des maximums des debits de crue / R. Hazan 36 .Determination des debits maximum et des hydrogrammes de cruet / R. Hazan et D. Lazarevic 37. Analyse de la duree des crues / I Zsuffa 38. Donnees a etablir sur les averses generatrices de tres grandes crues passees ou futures / M. Parde 39. Evaluation des debits maximaux des crues d'apres la seule connaissance des apports atmospheriques responsables / M. Parde 40. Method of rainfall floods computation and forecasting using discharge data of small rivers / A. G. Levin 41. Computation of maximum storm discharge of mountain rivers / I. V Eguiazarov and M. V. Tsovyan 42. La construction de l'hydrogramme unitaire par le moyen de l'analogie hydrologique / P. Wirth et L Zsuffa 43. Analyse de la relation entre les precipitations et le debit de crue a l'aide d'une triple transformation basee sur la methode de l'hydrogramme unitaire / G.L. Bukovszky et I. Zsuffa 44. Determination du debit maximum de crue et de sa probabilite de depassement dans le cas d'information incomplete / J. Jacquet et J. Bernier 45. Evaluation of maximum rainfall discharge from a region of deficient rainfall data / R.K. Datta and D.K. Gupta 46. Determination of the distribution of rainfall floods in large catchments using hydrometeorological data / S. Banerji and D. C. Mantan 47. The calculation of rainfall from a hurricane / F. Singleton and N. C. Helliwell 48. Method of estimating storm runoff from small drainage basins / C.D. Rostomov 49. Flood frequency on the Krishna River, India / G.A.N. Rao 50. Calculation of the maximum runoff in floods from rainfall over the territories of the Ukraine and Moldavia (with no or insufficient hydrometrical data) / P.F. Wishnevsky 51. Methodes pratiques d'estimation des plus grandes crues / R. Heras 52. Derivation of a general flood wave hydrograph from a continuous watershed water balance / H. D. Ayers and J. Balek 53. Peak discharge and time of concentration relation to rain intensity investigated by physical models of watersheds / J. Nemec and M. Moudry 54. Essai de classification des cruet maximales / J. Francou et JA. Rodier 55. Representation cartographique simple des pointes pluviometriques; applications possibles it l'hydrologie / Ch. P. Peguy et H. Vivian 56. Application of probability to spillway design flood estimation / G. N. Alexander 57. Bases methodologiques de calcul d'hydrogrammes de crues pluviales, utilisees pour la prevision des crues par le ministere de l'equipement / G. Jamme, J.L. Lacroix et C. Fabret 58. The flood forecasting by a series storage type model / M. Sugawara 59. La methode du gradex pour le calcul de la probabilite des crues a partir des pluies / P. Guillot et D. Durand

In English

Flood Calculation



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