Comprehensive Assessment of the Freshwater Resources of the World - Water Fetures: Assessment of Long-Range Patterns and Problems.
Paul Raskin, Peter Gleick, Paul Kirshen, Gil Pontius & Kenneth Strzepek.
Comprehensive Assessment of the Freshwater Resources of the World - Water Fetures: Assessment of Long-Range Patterns and Problems. - Sweden; Stockholm Environment Institute, 1997 - 77p,illust,30cm
Hadiah Tan Sri Dato' Ir. Hj. Shahrizaila Abdullah.
1. Context and General Concepts. 1.1. Purpose. 1.2. A Systems Perspective. 1.3. The Scenario Approach. 2. Scenarios of Water Development. 2.2. Driving Forces. 2.3. Regionalization. 2.4. Demographic and Economic Assumptions. 2.5. Summary of Scenario Results. 3. Fetute Water Stress and Vulnerability. 3.1. Evaluation Indices. 3.2. Data Sources. 3.3. Evaluation of Future Water Problems. 4. Towards Water Sustainability. 4.1 Policy Considerations. 4.2. The Transition of Water Sustainability: A Vision. 5. References.
Water Resources
Freshwater Resources.
Comprehensive Assessment of the Freshwater Resources of the World - Water Fetures: Assessment of Long-Range Patterns and Problems. - Sweden; Stockholm Environment Institute, 1997 - 77p,illust,30cm
Hadiah Tan Sri Dato' Ir. Hj. Shahrizaila Abdullah.
1. Context and General Concepts. 1.1. Purpose. 1.2. A Systems Perspective. 1.3. The Scenario Approach. 2. Scenarios of Water Development. 2.2. Driving Forces. 2.3. Regionalization. 2.4. Demographic and Economic Assumptions. 2.5. Summary of Scenario Results. 3. Fetute Water Stress and Vulnerability. 3.1. Evaluation Indices. 3.2. Data Sources. 3.3. Evaluation of Future Water Problems. 4. Towards Water Sustainability. 4.1 Policy Considerations. 4.2. The Transition of Water Sustainability: A Vision. 5. References.
Water Resources
Freshwater Resources.