Rice agroecosystem of the MUDA Irrigation Scheme, Malaysia/

Rice agroecosystem of the MUDA Irrigation Scheme, Malaysia/ editors Nashriyah binti Mat - Bangi, Selangor Institut Penyelidikan Teknologi Nuklear Malaysia 1998 - 255p; illust. 26cm

1. The rice agroecosystem of the Muda Irrigation Scheme: An overview. 2. Rice agroecosystem and the maintenance of biodiversity. 3. Forests in catchment areas with special reference to the Muda and Ahning Dams: Their roles in biodiversity conservation. 4. Weed populations and their buried seeds in ricefields of the Muda area. 5. The invasion of Leptochloa chinensis (L.) Nees in the Muda area. 6. Effects of clearing on the succession of aquatic weeds along irrigation and drainage canals in the Muda area. 7. Distribution and abundance of the main insect families in the Muda area. 8. Aquatic insect populations in the Muda rice agroecosystem. 9. Mosquitoes of the rice agroecosystem of Malaysia: Species composition and their abundance in relation to rice farming. 10. Fish distribution in the irrigation and drainage canals of the Muda area. 11. Preliminary survey on some detoxication/toxication enzymes in fishes from the Muda area. 12. A study on some enzymes in ricefield fish as biomarkers for pesticide exposure. 13. Mist-netting records of some pest and non-pest ricefield birds of the Muda rice agroecosystem. 14. Health effects related to pesticide use among rice farmers of the Muda area. 15. Pattern of diseases among rice farmers exposed to pesticides in the Muda area. 16. Pesticide residues and microbial contamination of water resources in the Muda rice agroecosystem. 17. Endosulfan residues in fish from the Muda rice agroecosystem. 18. Residues and accumulation of molinate in rice crops and aquatic weeds in the Muda rice agroecosystem. 19. Residue levels of molinate in ricefield soil: Their effects on populations of aquatic flora and fauna under recycling and non-recycling practices in the Muda area.



Rice--Disease and pest resistance--Research.
Rice--Weed control--Research.



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