UMWELTPOLITIK Water Resources Management in Germany - The Federal Minister for the Environment 1992 - p.

1. Fundamentals of water resources policy. 2. Water resources management conditions. 3. Setup of and cooperation in water resources management. 4. Legal instruments of water resources management. 5. Development and state of water resources management. 5.1 Water supply. 5.2 Waste water treatment. 5.3 Water quality Flood Protection. 5.4 Flood protection. 5.5 Navigation. 5.6 Use of waterpower. 5.7 Agriculture. 5.8 Environment of seas. 6. Main functions of water resources management in the nineties. 6.1 Water supply, Groundwater protection. 6.2 Waste water treatment. 6.3 Objectives set for water quality. 6.4 Water pollution from agriculture. 6.5 Flood protection and protection of the coasts. 6.6 Navigation. 6.7 Research. 6.8 Training. 7. International cooperations. 7.1 European Communities. 7.2 International river basin commissions. 7.3 Conversations for the protection of the seas. 7.4 International organizations. 8. Cooperations with developing countries.

Water Resources
