Environmental Impact Assessment For Pro. 240 Units Apartment And Surrounding Mixed Resort Devevelopment At Kampung Tanjung Agas, Mukim Pasir Panjang, Port Dickson, Negeeri Sembilan - Kuala Lumpur: UTEG Consultants Sdn. Bhd. Kuala Lumpur, 1995 - various paging

1. Introduction. 1.1 Project title. 1.2 Project location. 1.3 Authorization. 1.4 Objectives. 1.5 Project justification. 2. Project description. 2.1 Site location and layout plan. 2.2 Landuse of the project site. 2.3 Project background. 2.4 Project processes and activities. 2.5 Proposed implementation schedule. 2.6 Project option. 2.6.1 No. Project option. 3. Existing environment- physical system. 3.1 Introduction. 3.2 Landuse. 3.3 Climate and meteorology. 3.3.1 General. 3.3.2 Surface wind. a) wind speed. b) Wind direction. c) Sunshine. d) Temperature. e) Relative humidity. f) Rainfall and raindays. 3.3.3 Conclusion. 3.4 Geology. 3.5 Air quality and noise. 3.5.1. Air quality. 3.5.2. Noise. 3.6 Water quality. 3.6.1 Introduction. 3.6.2 Water quality measurement. Physical parameter. Oil and Grease. Dissolved oxygen(DO). 3.6.4. Biological oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD). 3.6.5. Ammoniacal nitrogen and coliform. Heavy metals. 3.6.3. Conclusion. 4. Existing environment: Biological system. 4.1 General introduction. 4.2 The terrestrial flora. 4.2.1 The mangrove and coastal flora. 4.2.2 Other riparian flora. 4.3 Wildlife and other Fauna. 4.3.1 Mammals and other vertebrates. 4.3.2 Birds. 4.3.3. Reptiles and Amphibian. 4.3.4 Fisheries. 4.3.5 Insect and other marine invertebrates. 5. Socio-economic systems. 5.1 Introduction. 5.2 The proposed project site. 5.3 Methodology. 5.4 Existing population. 5.5 Landuse and settlement pattern.5.6 Economic characteristic. 5.7 Housing. 5.8 Infrastructure and untility. 5.9. Social facilities. 6. Potential impacts and mitigating measures during construction. 6.1 Introduction. 6.2 The potential impacts. 6.2.1 Base camp. 6.2.2 Access roads and stream crossings. 6.2.3 Site clearing and earthworks. 6.2.4 Transportation of material. 6.2.5 Land filling. 6.2.6. Fuel storage. 6.2.7 Solid waste disposal. 6.2.8 Sewage disposal. 6.2.9 Landscaping and revegetation. 6.2.10 Trees cutting. 6.3 Mitigating measures. 6.3.1 Base camps. 6.3.2 Access roads and stream crossings. 6.3.3 Site clearing and earthworks. 6.3.4 Transportation of material. 6.3.5 Land filling. 6.3.6. Fuel storage. 6.3.7 Solid waste disposal. 6.3.8 Sewage disposal. 6.3.9 Landscaping and revegetation. 6.3.10 Trees cutting. 7. Potential impacts and mitigating measures during operation. 7.1 Introduction. 7.2 The potential impacts. 7.2.1 Employment. 7.2.2 Garbage disposal. 7.2.3 Sewage disposal. 7.2.4 Transportation of traffic. 7.2.5 Utilities, Services and amenities. 7.2.6 Pest control. 7.2.7 Abandonment. 7.3. Mitigating measures. 7.3.1 Employment. 7.3.2 Garbage disposal. 7.3.3 Sewage disposal. 7.3.4 Transportation of traffic. 7.3.5 Utilities, Services and amenities. 7.3.6 Pest control. 7.3.7 Mangrove conversation. 7.3.8 Abandonment. 8. Residual impacts and monitoring program. 8.1 Introduction. 8.2 Physical systems. 8.2.1 Air quality & noise. 8.2.2 Water quality.

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Malaysia ---environmental aspects