Technical Workshop On Hydrological Research In A Changing Environment In Sub-Humid And Humid Tropical Areas, Date June 15-18 1993, Venue UKM, Bangi Selangor
- Kuala Lumpur: Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran Malaysia, 1993
- various pagings
1. Hydrological effects of deforestation ( A model approach) / Rob van der Weert. 2. The artificial recharge methods for groundwater conservation in the Bandung Basin / Adang S. Soewaeli. 3. The impact of commercial logging on catchment erosion / F.S. Lai. 4. The calculation of fluvial sediment production / F.S. Lai. 5. Humid and sub-humid tropics in TRMM and GEWEX/GAME / Jun Matsumoto. 6. The impact of water resources development in the upper basin on inflow of the downstream reservoir / Boonsoong Peetanonchai. 7. Water balance estimation for various land use at rayong Thailand / P. Witthawatchutikul. 8. Hydrological research development in Vietnam / Prof. Nguyen Viet Pho. 9. Description model of groundwater level related to groundwater exploitation in the Jakarta area / Runtiarko.