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Introduction: Let's talk about speaking. 1. Preparing your presentation. 1.1 Let's get organized. 1.2 Delivery. 1.3 Speechwriters. 1.4 Presentations to persuade. 1.5 Persuasion planning points. 2. Who's out there? 2.1 Question to ask before preparations 2.2 The negative audience and the hidden agenda. 2.3 Audience analysis for public speaking situations. 2.4 Will your audience get your message? 2.5 Jokes stories, anecdotes and illustrations. 3. When and where will you speak? 3.1 Questions to ask. 3.2 Best times to speak. 3.3 How long to speak. 3.4 Check the location where you'll speak. 3.5 Additional considerations - speeches, presenting papers. 4. Let's look at visual aids. 4.1 Value of visual aids to the presenter. 4.2 Value of visual aids to the audience. 4.3 When to use visual aids? 4.4 What visual aids should you use? 4.5 What is a good visual aid? 4.6 Using aids. 4.7 Making slides. 4.8 Special considerations for slides. 4.9 Checklist for using visual aids. 5. Let's hear what you have to say: Rehearsing. 5.1 How to rehearse. 5.2 Checklist for viewing yourself on videotape. 6. How do you sound? 6.1 How to evaluate your voice. 6.2 How to improve your voice. 6.3 Talking between the lines(The metamessage). 7. What is your body saying about you? 7.1 Solo performances. 7.2 Panel, group presentations and news conferences. 7.3 Your audiences. 8. Packaging the presenter. 8.1 Basic considerations for men and women. 8.2 What to wear when making a speech or presentation. 9. Confidence and self-control. 9.1 Controlling signs of nervousness. 9.2 Relaxation exercises. 10. Today's the day: giving your speech or presentation. 10.1 Checklist prior to speech or presentation. 10.2 Our final words before you speak now are there any questions? 11. It's not a bedtime story-don't put us to sleep. 11.1 Preparations for script reading. 11.2 Clear writing for clear speaking. 11.3 Rehearsal and delivery. 11.4 Using a microphone. 12. Speaking impromptu under pressure. 12.1 Training yourself for impromptu speaking. 12.2 Meetings. 13. Let's meet the media. 13.1 Media differences. 13.2 Rules for good press relations. 13.3 Who are these media people and what are they looking for? 13.4 The television interview. 13.5 Press conferences. 13.6 Telephone interviews. 13.7 When it's bad news. 14. Consensus communication and parliamentary procedure. 14.1 Reaching a consensus. 14.2 Group discussion good conversation. 14.3 Rules to follow for all meetings using parliamentary procedure. 15. Speaking and the new technology. 15.1 Speaking on the telephone. 15.2 Selling by telephone. 15.3 Teleconferencing. 15.4 Telemeetings. 16. The art of listening. 16.1 Listening in business. 16.2 A good communicators makes listening easier.