TY - BOOK AU - GHALI, A , TI - STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS: A UNIFIED CLASSICAL AND MATRIX APPROACH SN - 0412290308 PY - 1989/// CY - LONDON PB - CHAPMAN AND HALL KW - STRUCTURES, ANALYSIS N1 - 1. Introduction to the analysis of statically indeterminate structures. 1.1 Introduction. 1.2 Statical indeterminacy. 1.3 Expression for degree of indeterminacy. 1.4 General methods of analysis of statically indeterminate structures. 1.5 Kinematic indeterminacy. 1.6 Principles of superposition. 1.7 Internal forces: sign convention and diagrams. 1.8 Effect of moving loads. 1.9 Influences lines for simple beams and trusses. 1.10 General. 2. Force methods of analysis. 2.1 Introduction. 2.2 Description of methods. 2.3 Flexibility matrix. 2.4 Analysis for different loading. 2.5 Five steps of forces method. 2.6 Equation of three moments. 2.7 Moving loads on continuous beams and frames. 2.8 General. 3. Displacement methods of analysis. 3.1 Introduction. 3.2 Description of methods. 3.3 Stiffness matrix. 3.4 Analysis for different loading. 3.5 Analysis for environmental effects. 3.6 Five steps of displacement methods. 3.7 Effect of displacement at coordinates. 3.8 General. 4. Use of force and displacement methods. 4.1 Introduction. 4.2 Relations between flexibility stiffness matrices. 4.3 Choice of force or displacement methods. 4.4 Stiffness matrix for a prismatic beam. 4.5 Condensation of stiffness matrices. 4.6 Properties of flexibility and stiffness matrices. 4.7 Analysis of symmetrical structures by force methods. 4.8 Analysis of symmetrical structures by displacements methods. 4.9 Effect of nonlinear temperature variation. 4.10 Effect of shrinkage and creep. 4.11 Effect of prestressing. 4.12 General; 5. Strain energy and virtual work. 5.1 Introduction. 5.2 Geometry of displacement. 5.3 Strain energy. 5.4 Complementary energy and complementary work. 5.5 Principles of virtual work. 5.6 Unit-load and unit - displacement theorems. 5.7 Virtual work transformations. 5.8 General. 6. Methods of virtual work and its applications to trusses. 6.1 Introduction. 6.2 Calculation of displacement by virtual work. 6.3 Displacement of statically indeterminate structures. 6.4 Evaluation of integrals for calculation of displacement by method of virtual work. 6.5 Truss deflection. 6.6 Truss deflection using matrix algebra. 6.7 General. 7. Further applications of methods of virtual work. 7.1 Introduction. 7.2 Equivalent joint loading. 7.3 Deflection of beams and frames. 7.4 Deflections of beams and frames using matrix algebra. 7.5 Flexibility matrix of the assembled structures. 7.6 General. 8. Important energy theorems. 8.1 Introduction. 8.2 Betti's and Maxwell theorem's. 8.3 Applications of Betti's theorem to transformation of forces and displacements. 8.4 Transformations of stiffness and flexibility matrices. 8.5 Stiffness matrix of assembled structure. 8.6 Engesser's theorem of compatibility. 8.7 Castigliano's theorem of compatibility. 8.8 Calculation of displacement by complementary energy. 8.9 Castigliona's theorem. 8.10 Potential energy. 8.11 General. 9. Displacement of elastic structures by special methods. 9.1 Introduction. 9.2 Graphical determination of deflection of a plane truss. 9.3 Differential equation for deflection of a beam in bending. 9.4 Moment- area theorems. 9.5 Methods of elastic weights. 9.6 Methods of finite differences. 9.7 Representation of deflections by Fourier series. 9.8 Representation of deflections by series with indeterminate parameters. 9.9 General; 10. Applications of the force method: column analogy. 10.1 Introduction. 10.2 Elastic center and the analogous column. 10.3 Choice of the released structures. 10.4 End- stiffness of plane frames. 10.5 Stiffness matrix for a bent with special end-conditions. 10.6 End- stiffness of straight members. 10.8 Correction for the effect of axial forces in arches. 10.8 General. 11. Application of the displacement methods: slope deflection and moment distribution. 11.1 Introduction. 11.2 Notation and sign convention. 11.3 Slope- deflection equation for a straight member. 11.4 Equation of equilibrium. 11.5 Process of moment distribution. 11.6 Moment distribution procedures for plane frames without joint translation. 11.7 Adjusted end- rotational stiffness. 11.8 Adjusted fixed-end moments. 11.9 General. 12. Moment distribution with sway: multistorey and multibay frames. 12.1 Introduction. 12.2 General procedures for plane frames with joint translation. 12.3 No-shear moment distribution. 12.4 Methods of successive sway corrections. 12.5 The substitute- frame method. 12.6 The principle of multiple. 12.7 Use of the substitute frame with any stiffness pattern. 12.8 General. 13. Influences lines for beams, frames and grids. 13.1 Introduction. 13.2 Concept and applications of influences lines. 13.3 Muller Breslau's principles. 13.4 Correction for indirect loading. 13.5 Influences lines for a beam with fixed ends. 13.6 Influence lines for plane frames. 13.7 Influences lines for grids. 13.8 General. 14. Influences lines for arches, trusses and prestressed concrete members. 14.1 Introduction. 14.2 General superposition equation. 14.3 Influences lines for arches. 14.4 Influences lines for trusses. 14.5 Prestressing moment influences coefficients. 14.6 Relation between influences lines; 14.7 Prestressing moment influences coefficient for frames and beams. 14.8 Prestressing moment influences coefficient for grids. 14.9 General. 15. Effects of axial forces. 15.1 Introduction. 15.2 Effect of charge in length. 15.3 Secondary moments in trusses. 15.4 Stiffness of prismatic member subjected to axial forces. 15.5 Adjusted end-rational stiffness for a prismatic member subjected to an axial force. 15.6 Fixed-end moments for a prismatic member subjected to an axial force. 15.7 Adjusted fixed-end moments for a prismatic member subjected to an axial force. 15.8 Elastic stability of frames. 15.9 Calculation of buckling loads for frames by moment's distribution 15.10 General. 16. Analysis of shear wall structures. 16.1 Introduction. 16.2 Stiffness of a shear wall element. 16.3 Stiffness matrix of a beam with rigid ends parts. 16.4 Analysis of a plane frame with shear walls. 16.5 Simplified approximate analysis of a building as a plane structure. 16.6 Shear walls with openings. 16.7 Three-dimensional analysis. 16.8 General. 17. Methods of finite differences. 17.1 Introduction. 17.2 Presentation of derivatives by finite differences. 17.3 Bending moments and deflections and applied loading. 17.4 Finite- differences relation between beam deflection and applied loading. 17.5 Finite- differences relation between deflection and stress resultant or reaction. 17.6 Beam on an elastic foundation. 17.7 Axisymmetrical circular cylindrical shell. 17.8 Conical and spherical shells. 17.9 Buckling load of a column with hinged ends. 17.10 Buckling load of a column with end restraints. 17.11 General. 18. Analysis of plates by finite differences. 18.1 Introduction. 18.2 Representation of partial derivatives by finite differences. 18.3 Governing differential equations for plates subjected to in-plane forces. 18.4 Airy stress function; 18.5 Finite- difference equations for plates subjected to in-plane forces. 18.6 Governing differential equation for plates in bending. 18.7 Finite- differences equations at an interior node of plate in bending. 18.8 Boundary conditions of a plate in bending. 18.9 Analysis of plates in bending. 18.10 Buckling of thin plates. 18.11 Stiffness matrix equivalent. 18.12 Comparision between equivalent stiffness matrix and stiffness matrix. 18.13 General. 19. Finite- element method. 19.1 Introduction. 19.2 Applications of the five steps of displacement method. 19.3 Basic equations of elasticity. 19.4 Displacement interpolation. 19.5 Stiffeness and stress matrices for displacement based elements. 19.6 Element load vectors. 19.7 Derivation of element matrices by minimization of total potential energy. 19.8 Derivation of shape functions. 19.9 Convergence conditions. 19.10 The path test for convergence. 19.11 Constant-strain triangle. 19.12 Interpretation of nodal forces. 19.13 General. 20. Further development of finite- element methods. 21. Plastic analysis of continuous beams and frames. 21.1 Introduction. 21.2 Ultimate moment. 21.3 Plastic behavior of simple. 21.4 Ultimate strength of fixed-ended and continuous beams. 21.5 Rectangular portal frame. 21.6 Combination of elementary mechanisms. 21.7 Frames with inclined members. 21.8 Effect of axial forces on plastic moment capacity. 21.9 Effect of shear on plastic moment capacity. 21.10 General. 22. Yield-line strip methods for slabs. 22.1 Introduction.; 22.2 Fundamentals of yield-line theory. 22.3 Energy method. 22.4 Orthotropic slabs. 22.5 Equilibrium of slabs parts. 22.6 Equilibrium methods. 22.7 Nonregular slabs. 22.8 Strip methods. 22.9 Use of banded reinforcement. 22.10 General; 23. Structural dynamics. 23.1 Introduction. 23.2 Coordinates and lumped masses. 23.3 Consistent mass matrix. 23.4 Undamped free vibration of a system with one degree of freedom. 23.5 Response of a single degree of freedom undamped system. 23.6 Viscously damped vibration of a single degree of freedom system. 23.7 Undamped free vibration of a multidegree of freedom system. 23.8 Orthogonality of the natural modes. 23.9 Normal coordinates. 23.10 Response of structures to earthquakes. 23.11 General. 24. Computer analysis of framed structures. 24.1 Introduction. 24.2 Member local coordinates. 24.3 Band width. 24.4 Input data. 24.5 Direction cosines of element local axes. 24.6 Element stiffness matrices. 24.7 Transformation matrices. 24.8 Member stiffness matrices with respects to global coordinates. 24.9 Assemblage of stiffness matrices and local vectors. 24.10 Displacement support conditions and supports reactions. 24.11 Solution of banded equations. 24.12 Member end-forces. 24.13 General. 25. Implementation of computer analysis. 25.1 Introduction. 25.2 Displacement boundary conditions in inclined coordinates. 25.3 Structural symmetrical. 25.4 Displacement constraints. 25.5 Cyclic symmetry. 25.6 Substructuring. 25.7 plastic analysis of plane frames. 25.8 Stiffness matrix of member with variable section or with curved axis. 25.9 General ER -