SYMPOSIUM ON DYNAMIC TESTING OF SOILS - Philadelphia : American Society for Testing Materials, 195 - 261p ; illus.

1. Introduction/ R.K.Bernhard. 2. The elastic theory of soil dynamics/ M.Quilan. 3. Vibrations in semi-infinite solids due to periodic surface loading/ T.Y.Sung. 4. A discontinuous model for the problem of soil dynamics/ J.J.Slade. 5. Macromeritic liquids/ Hans F.Winterkorn. 6. A Dynamic analogy for foundation soil system/ Adrian Pauw. 7. Elasticity and damping effects of oscillating body on soil/ H.Lorenz. 8. Compaction of sand at resonant frequency/ Frederick J.Converse. 9. Loose sands-their compaction by vibroflotation/ Elio's D'Appolonia. 10. Performances records of engine foundations/ Gregory P.Tschebotarioff. 12. Vibration research on road construction/ C.van der Poel. 13. The pressure generated in soil by compaction equipment/ A.C.Whiffin. 14. Pilot studies on soil dynamics/ R.K.Bernhard. 15. Bibliography of publications on soil dynamics.