National Integrity Plan - Kuala Lumpur: Integrity Institute of Malaysia, 2004 - 157p,24cm

GA-0366 [Buku yang sama tajuk dengan nombor barcode 1000028112

SECTION I: BACKGROUND, CONCEPTS, OBJECTIVES AND TARGETS 1.TOWARDS A DEVELOPED SOCIETY IN OUR OWM MOULD: Managingn Success, Malaysian Goverment's Commitment, Enhanging Ethics and Integrity in other Sectors, The Need for a Comprehensive Mechanism. 2.FACTORS AFFRECTING INTEGRITY: Identifying of Factors, Five Categories, Individual, Leadership, Systems and Procedures, Structure and Institution, Culture 3.THE NATIONAL INTEGRITY PLAN (NIP) Philosophy of the NIP, Concept, Overall Objective 4.ETHICS AND INTEGRITY : Explanation, Ethics, Ethics of Individual, Ethics of Organiations, Integrity of Public Officials 5.NIP OBJECTIVES 2004-2008 (TARGET 2008) Initial Phase of the NIP, Assessment of Effectiveness, First Method, Second Method, TARGET 2008,Measurement of Target, Composite of Indicators. SECTION II: APPROACH AND STRATEGIES OF IMPLEMENTATION 6.OVERALL APPROACH IN ENHANCING INTEGRITY: Overall Approach, Components Involved, Implementation Mechanism. 7.STRATEGIES IN IMPLEMENTING THE NATIONAL INTEGRITY PLAN: Leaders and People as One, Implementation Strategy, Strategy 1: Integrity Agenda for the Family Institution Strategy 2: IntegrityAgenda for the Community Strategy 3: Integrity Agenda for the Civil Society Strategy 4: Integrity Agenda for the Socio-cultural Institution Strategy 5: Integrity Agenda for the Religious Institution Strategy 6:Integrity Agenda for the Economic Institution Strategy 7:Integrity Agenda for the Political Institution Strategi 8: Integrity Agenda for the Adminstrative Institution SECTION III: 8.MOVING FORWARS-FACTORS TOWARDS SUCCESS Achievement of Targets, Key Success Factors, Leadership by example, Sound Policies and Clear Targets, Continuous Education, Effective Communication, Conducive Cultural Environment, Coorperation between Politics and Administrative Machinery, Effective Legal Framework and Independent Judiciary, Adequacy and Efficacy of Resources, Readiness of Individuals to Changes SECTION IV: ACTION PLAN.


