EDUCATION IN HYDROLOGY - Czechoslovakia: Unesco, 1981 - 289p

1. Present and future trends of hydrological education at all levels / by R.N. Farvolden 2. The transfer of educational knowledge and material to developing countries / by N.S. Grigg 3. The guidelines for economic measures to train hydrological personnel /costs benefit relations in training courses / by L. Mostertman, 4. Strenghtening and modernization of the UNESCO sponsored post-graduate course in hydrology to enable them to meet future demands / by J.Pacl, A. Svoboda 5. Analysis of existing methods of teaching hydrological subjects and development of proposals for model curicula and syllabi for under-graduate and post-graduate studies/ by S. Chandra, 6. Analysis of exis ting methods of teaching hydrological subjects and development of proposals for model curricula and syllabi for technician training / by R.N. Farvol-den, 7. Education of teachers in technician training courses so that knowledge can be diffused on a broad national basis by indigenous training methods / by V.V. Larin, 8. Evaluation of the benefits participants have de-rived from their participation in the UNESCO sponsored and other international courses / by A.Ghetti, A. Lorigiola.

