Kenneth D. Frederick & Peter H. Frederick.

Environment: Water & Global Climate Change, Potential Impacts on U. S. Water Resouces. - Arlington; Pew Center on Globle Climate Change, 1999 - 48p,illust,30cm

1. Foreword. 2. Executive Summary. 3. Introduction. 4. Climate Change and its Potential Impacts on Hydrology and Water Supplies. 4.1. Impacts on the Hydrologic Systems. 4.2. Impacts on Regional Water Resources. 5. Evidence of Temperature and Hydrologic Trends. 6. Implication of Climate Change for Managed Water-Resource Systems. 7. Ecological Impacts. 8. Socioeconomic Costs of Extreme Hydrological Event. 7.1. Floods. 7.2. Droughts. 8. Socioeconomic Costs of Changes in Water Supply and Demand. 9. Adapting to Changing Supply and Demand Conditions. 9.1. Presures on Water Resources. 9.2. Adaptation. 10. Conditions. 11. Endnotes. 12. References.

Water Resources