Comprehensive Assessment of the Freshwater Resources of the World - World Freshwater Problems-Call for a New Realism.
- Sweden; Stockholm Environment Institute, 1997
- 53p,illust,30cm
Hadiah Tan Sri Dato' Ir. Hj. Shahrizaila Abdullah.
1. Why This Study. 1.1. Current dilemma. 1.2. The context. 1.3. This report. 2. Analysis and Diagnosis of Present Predicament. 2.1. Where are we heading ?. 2.2. Evidence of the present predicament. 2.3. Problems appear in cluster. 2.4. Land and water closely linked. 2.5. Negotiable and non-negotiabledimensions in resource management. 3. Essential management consequences. 3.1. A polarised but common world. 3.2. Fallacy of single issue approach. 3.3. Demand management. 3.4. Development options under water scarcity conditions. 3.5. Neglect of societal capability problems. 3.6. Widespread water illiteracy. 4. Potential Responses. 4.1. Concise summary of the predicament. 4.2. Four key dilemmas. 4.3. A new partnership in water resources stewardship. 5. References