Jan Lundqvist & Peter Gleick.

Comprehensive Assessment of the Freshwater Resources of the World - Sustaining our Waters into the 21st Century. - Sweden; Stockholm Environment Institute, 1997 - 51p,illust,30cm

Hadiah Tan Sri Dato' Ir. Hj. Shahrizaila Abdullah.

1. Toward the New Consensus. 2. Long-Term Water Planning: From the Past to the Future. 3. Critical Characteristics of Water. 3.1. Water is renewable resources fulfilling multiple functions. 3.2. Regional, local and global water imbalances: the issue of scale. 3.3. The distinction between need and demand. 3.4. Make water a fist thing in developmen strategies. 4. Goals for Guiding Sustainable Water Resources Management. 5. Important Preconditions in Policy Approaches. 5.1. The new water world: Constraints and opportunities. 5.2. the complexity of water quality management. 5.3. Expand data collection and the use of hydrological information systems. 5.4. The importance and limitations of demand management. 5.5. Distinction between water use efficiency and allocation efficiency. 6. New Principles for Water Management and Planning. 6.1 Identify and meet basic human and ecosystem water needs. 6.2. National food self-sufficiency should give way to the concept of national food self-reliance. 6.3. Water must be treated as an economic good. 6.4. Water planning and decision-making should be democratic, ensuring representation of all affected parties and fostering direct paricipation of affected interests. 7. Water Policy History and Milestones. 7.1. Milestones toward the new consensus. 7.2. Current initiatives. 8. Examples and Lessons of Water Policy Reviews. 8.1. The Central Asian Aral Sea Basin Programme. 8.2. Building a water resources' management system in Brazil-a status report. 8.3. Planning for sustainable water use in California. 8.4. India's national water policy-A review. 8.5. Israel: national water resources conservation planning and policies for rapid economic development and conditions of severe scarcity. 8.6. Resources' management in Poland. 8.7. SADC Protocol and shared watercourse systems. 8.8. Water Sector reforms in Uganda. 8.9. Yemen: alow-income, food-deficit, rural based economy with a fast growing population under extreme water stress



Water Resources
Freshwater Resources.