Marianne Kjellen & Gordon Mcgranahan.

Comprehensive Assessment of the Freshwater Resources of the World - Urban Water: Towards Health and Sustainability. - Sweden; Stockholm Environment Institute, 1997 - 54p,illust,30cm

Hadiah Tan Sri Dato' Ir. Hj. Shahrizaila Abdullah.

1. Introduction. 2. Water and Urban Health. 2.1. The Sanitary Movement, Water Science and Water Engineering. 2.2. Water and Infectitious Diseases. 2.3. Water, Poverty, Illness and the Need for Collective Action. 3. Water and Urban Sustainability. 3.1. Urban Growth. 3.2. Displacing the Burden. 3.3. Water, Wealth and Sustainability. 4. Water for Healthy and Sustainable Cities. 5. Summary and Conclusions.



Water Resources
Freshwater Resources.