The Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) Macro Drainage Master Plan - Main Report - Volume II
- Kuala Lumpur; Dr. Nik & Associates 1999
- Various paging,illust,26cm
Chapter 1: Introduction - 1.1 Background. 1.2 Overview of Study Process. 1.3 Scope of the Final Report. Chapter 2: Objectives, Standards and Approach - 2.1 Objectives. 2.2 Standards. 2.3 Approach and Methodology 2.3.1 Scope of Works. 2.3.2 Philosiphical Approach of the Study. 2.3.3 Overall Approach. 2.3.4 Immediate Action Plan (IAP) 2.3.5 Data Inventory and Management. 2.3.6 Hydrological Analysis. 2.3.7 Hydraulic and Sediment Transport Analysis. 2.3.8 Sediment Yield Analysis. 2.3.9 Review of Existing Problems and Flood Protection Levels. 2.3.11 Geotechnical Analysis of Eroding River Banks. 2.3.12 Flood Mitigation Master Plan. 2.3.13 River Environment Enhancement Plan. 2.3.14 Integrated Macro Drainage Master Plan. 2.3.15 Institutional Arrangements. Chapter 3: Physical Description and Data - 3.1 The Study Area. 3.2 Geology and Soils. 3.3 Topography and Predevelopment Land-use. 3.4 Physical Characteristics of Existing River Systems in MSC (Sungai Klang, Sungai Langat, Sungai Sepang Kecil, River Mouth Tidal Range). 3.5 Meteorology and Hydrology. 3.6 River Channel Data. 3.7 Water Quality. 3.8 Data Management - 3.8.1 Categories of Data and Information. 3.8.2 Spatial Data Management with GIS. Chapter 4: Developments and Plans for the MSC - 4.1 Development Concepts and Principles for the MSC. 4.2 Guidelines for the Development. 4.2.1 Guidelines for Drainage, Flood Prevention and Management. 4.2.2 Guidelines for Environment and Landscape. 4.3 Present Development Stage in the MSC Area. 4.4 Existing Drainage Master Plans. 4.4.1 Putrajaya Development Drainage Master Plan. 4.4.2 Cyberjaya Development - Flagship Zone Drainage Master Plan. 4.4.3 Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) Development Drainage Master Plan. 4.5 Development within Kuala Langat Peat Basin. 4.5.1 Sustainability of Paya Indah and the Kuala Langat Peat Basin. 4.5.2 Drainage Design Considerations in the Kuala Langat Peat Basin. 4.5.3 Groundwater Drawdown due to Developments in Peat. 4.5.4 Construction on Peat. 4.5.5 Recommendations. 4.6 Concluding Remarks. Chapter 5: Hydrological Analysis of River Catchments - 5.1 Introduction. 5.2 Review of Previous River Studies (Sungai Langat Catchment, Sungai Sepang Kecil Catchment, Sungai Klang Catchment). 5.3 Hydrological analysis Concept and Approach. 5.4 Flood Hydrograph Estimation for Main Rivers. 5.4.1 Choice of Flood Estimation Method. 5.4.2 RORB Model. 5.4.3 Approach to Analysis. 5.4.4 Flood Discharge Estimation of Sungai Langat and Sungai Semenyih. 5.4.5 Flood discharge Estimations of Sungai Kelang. 5.5 Flood Hydrograph Estimation for Tributaries. 5.5.1 Choice of Flood Estimation Method. 5.5.2 SCS Unit Hydrograph Model. 5.5.3 Approach to Analysis. 5.5.4 Flood Discharge Estimations for the Tributaries. 5.6 Continuous Rainfall-Runoff Modelling for Sungai Langat. 5.6.1 Choice of Modelling Method. 5.6.2 The NAM Model. 5.6.3 Approach to Analysis. 5.6.4 Generation of Streamflow Data for Sungai Langat. Chapter 6: Hydraulic Analysis and Flood Mitigation. 6.1 Introduction. 6.2 Review of Preceding Hydraulic Analysis. 6.3 Hydraulic Analysis Concept and Approach. 6.4 Choice of Hydraulic Model. 6.5 Mike-11 Hydrodynamic Model. 6.6 Approach to Analysis. 6.7 Data Colection. 6.8 Model Set Up. 6.9 Existing River Condition. 6.10 Hydraulic Simulation using Mike-11 Model. 6.10.1 Model Calibration. 6.10.2 Simulation Assumptions and Criteria. 6.10.3 Design Flood Discharges and Flood Levels for Existing Conditions. 6.11 Flood Mitigation Options and River Improvement Works. 6.11.1 River Improvement Guidelines, Criteria and Assumptions. 6.11.2 Flood Mitigation Measures for Sungai Langat and Sungai Semeyih. 6.11.3 Flood Mitigation Measures for the Tributaries. CHAPTER 7: Sediment Yield and Sediment Transport Analysis. 7.1. Introduction and Background. 7.2. Objectives. 7.3. Sediment Erosion and Yield Analysis. 7.3.1. Calsite Model. 7.3.2. Approach and Methodology. 7.3.3. Data Collection. 7.3.4. Analysis of Sediment Data. 7.3.5. Imput Data and Pre-Processing. 7.3.6. Estimation of Soil Erosion. 7.3.7. Determination of Sediment Yield. 7.3.8. Results and Discussions. 7.4. Sediment Transport Analysis. 7.4.1. Mike-11 Non Cohesive Sediment Transport Model. 7.4.2. Approach and Methodology. 7.4.3. Data Colection. 7.4.4. Model Setup. 7.4.5. Model Calibration. 7.4.6. Modek Simulation. 7.5. Sand Abstraction at Sungai Langat. 7.5.1. Related Problems. 7.5.2. Recommendations for Mitigation Measures. CHAPTER 8: Preliminary Design. 8.1. Introduction. 8.2. Scope of the Preliminary Design. 8.3. Data Colection and Design Parameters. 8.4. Design Concept and Preliminary Design Proposal. 8.4.1. River Alignment. 8.4.2. Geotechnical Analysis. 8.4.3. Improved River Sections, River Reserves and Longitudinal Profiles. 8.4.4. Bank Protection. 8.4.5. Bed Control and Drop Structures. 8.4.6. Levee and Maintenance Access Road. 8.4.7. Bridges, Culverts and Tidal Gates. 8.4.8. Other Appurtenances. CHAPTER 9: Environmental Enhancement Concepts. 9.1. Landscape. 9.1.1. Objectives. 9.1.2. Analysis of Findings. 9.1.3. Issues and Constraints. 9.1.4. Landscape Planning Principles. 9.1.5. Conceptual River Environment Enhancement Plan. 9.1.6. River Corridor Improvement. 9.1.7. Policies Recommendation 9.1.8. Conclusion. 9.2. Water Quality. 9.2.1. Introduction. 9.2.2. Development - Runoff - Pollutant Concentration Relationship. 9.2.3. Typical Management Practices. 9.2.4. Urban Runoff Quality Control. 9.2.5. Recommendations of Water Quality Copntrol Facilities. 9.2.6. Management and Monitoring of Water Quality. 9.3. Enhancement of Environmentally Sensitive Peat Swamp Areas. CHAPTER 10: Integrated Macro Drainage Master Plan. 10.1. Introduction. 10.2. The River Basins Considered. 10.3. Sg. Kelang Basin. 10.3.1 Sg. Rasau. 10.3.2. Sg. Air Hitam. 10.4. Sg. Langat Basin. 10.4.1. Sg. Langat. 10.4.2. Sg. Semenyih. 10.4.3. Sg. Bukit Tunggul. 10.4.4. Sg. Merab. 10.4.5. Sg. Jenderam. 10.4.6. Sg. Parit Tampoi. 10.4.7. Sg. Labu. 10.4.8. Sg. Cincang and Sg. Air Hitam. 10.5. Erosion and Sediment Control. CHAPTER 11: Plan Implementation Program. 11.1 Implementation Program. 11.2. Cost Estimates. CHAPTER 12: Institutional and Administrative Arrangements. 12.1. Introduction. 12.1.1. Federal/State Jurisdiction over Water. 12.1.2. Legislation on Water. 12.1.3. Ownership of Water. 12.2. Goverment Institutions Involved in Drainage Management. 12.2.1. Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID or JPS). 12.2.2. Department of Environment (DOE). 12.2.3. Department of Town and Country Planning (JPBD). 12.2.4. Local Authorities. 12.2.5. Perbadanan Putrajaya. 12.2.6. Planning and Development Committiees. 12.3. Administration of Drainage and Flood Control Works and Services. 12.3.1. Planning and Regulatory. 12.3.2. Financial and Economic. 12.4 Proposed Institutional Setup. 12.4.1 General. 12.4.2. Integrated Water Resources Management. 12.4.3. Evolution of New Institutions and Appropriate Legislation. 12.4.4. Selangor Waters Management Authority (SWMA). 12.4.5. Recommendation.